teeth aching?


Aug 27, 2011
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I know its pretty random but all my teeth and gums hurt? has any body had this?

I've had a pretty bad cold for last few days maybe its connected to that- also any one have any tips on shifting head aches, im trying avoid taking paracetamols... :x thank you xxx
I didn't have any toothache, but have a day or two if jaws aching...really random!

Headaches - mm I'm suffered quite a bit with them. I've also avoided taking any paracetamol...drunk plenty of fluids (water and cordial), avoided bright lights. I also have a wheat bag that you warm in microwave and the put round your shoulders - helps to release the tension a bit.

Hope some of the suggestions work xx
Thanks i'll give all the above a try, its funny just 5 mins ago i was looking at a wheat pouch love heart thing in the avon book and thought that might be nice, i'll defo get it now :)

i'll try any thing because feeling really bad and worried :( all totally worth it though :)

thanks again xx
Hello! I'm new to this forum, have just discovered I am pregnant with my second child today! My teeth ache currently and also in my last pregnancy I had it. It only lasted for the first few weeks for me and I was told it is due to the increased blood supply to your gums. Hope that helps!
Thats great news congrats to you :)

well its good to know its not just me, i feel like pulling all my teeth out :( i tried chewing gum today to see if will apply some pressue and ease but it turns out gum makes me boke!!! i'm in hell of a mess haha

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