Prem babies and Teeth


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Nov 20, 2007
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This is my first post outside the Dad forum, its like stepping out into the Big bad World of 'other' topics. Her goes:

I was worried about Emma's teeth not coming through, she is almost 13months and she has been teething for what seems an eternity and we can see her teeth in her gums (if that makes sense), and her teeth do hurt when she is tired.

So I decided to look it up on Google (what an invention!!), the first web page I came to was this one:

This web site says that there can be problems with Prem Babies and teeth eruption and enamel hypoplasia, so I read on and there is bit of info on it.

I spoke to a mate of mine in work and he has a prem baby who was born roughly the same gestation as Emma(10weeks) and when her teeth came through they werent as hard an normal teeth, however after the baby teeth have gone the new permenant teeth are normal.

He really put my mind at ease especially after reading the stuff online.

Does anyone else have any run ins with this, or any other info?
not that early but hannah was born 5 weeks early and she had no problems, have u asked your hv or dentist
Jonah was born at 32 weeks, no-one said anything about his teeth and although they did take a long time in coming, they were fine when they came :D
the reason rob looked up tis was that emma was not getting any teeth thorugh na dnoone had offered us any advice, it reasured us a bit and then saturday night i looked in emmas mouth and her first tooth has come through its her front top tooth :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Ellas didnt come in until she was 10 months and was a year before her first two were in properly so im glad she is getting them, dont worry
I'm really glad emma's teeth have FINALLY came through, they look really good (tocuh wood) and are very white. :shock:
Had Josh at 32 weeks - perfectly good teeth

I know it can happen though- my sister was born at 26 or 28 weeks (it was 25 years ago :oops: ) and had cerberal palsy. She and a lot of her schoolfriends (a high percentage of whom were prem babies) had specialist dental care - their teeth were fluoride coated a few times a year to help protect them.
Scarlett was born at 28 weeks and has just cut her first teeth together at the bottom. We were never told anything about them being weaker or different just that they may be later. She is 11 months old now, 8 corrected, her brother was 7 months corrected when he got his first teeth and they have been fine too, but he was a 34weeker and very big at that!
With my daughter, her first teeth came quite late, but she had no trouble with them when they arrived. We were more worried about her second teeth as she had a feeding tube in her mouth when she was tiny, and this changed the shape of her bottom gum (it looked like there was a big hole in it). She started losing her baby teeth quite early and has had a few minor problems. Once a tooth gets wobbly, it has taken a long time to fall out (up to 2 months) because the adult tooth is pushing up from a different place. However, the adult teeth have slowly moved forwards to the right place by themselves, so no lasting problems.

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