Techniques to promote calmness? Advice please


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hello Ladies
Well it's been one of those weeks and was just wondering if anyone could advise me on a breathing technique etc to keep calmness?
Unfortunately there was a Car accident outside our house on Wednesday night and it has shaken me a little. A van went into the back of a parked car that was parked 6 doors away and they both ended up outside ours and next doors houses. The front of the Car was just in our front garden which has knocked down half of our teeny garden wall.Luckily no one was injured. I think the thing that weirded me out the most was I was getting into my car which was parked outside our house just a couple of minutes before it happened and probably just set off to pick hubby up when it happened. I know I'm being stupid because I did'nt witness it etc. but still feel a touch strange about it. I'm not shaky or anything just wondered if there was anything I could do to balance me a bit.
a couple of months ago i witnessed a man being run over, i was driving at the time and all i could do was cry, it was horrendous (sp), i had to get mark to come and get me cos i couldnt carry on driving, but the police were really good and kept me informed of how the guy was etc, then i found out it was his own fault, he was pissed out his face, my upsetness soon faded to anger, cos the driver of the car was badly hurt as well, but take deep breaths, think of it like no one was hurt it is just damage to property etc.. you will feel fine in a few days..
If your feeling stressed go to the body shop and treat yourself to somew lovely pregnancy friendly bath oils and get in the bath and do some deep breathing - always helps me when im feeling stressed!
Or if your near to lush, the cosmetics shop, a strawberry bath bomb is lush!
The other week I was in such a foul mood and felt really really down and stressed so I put a cd on, sounds of the rainforest and it actually worked!! I didn't think it would make me feel calm but it really did.
Get comfy in a darkened room with some relaxing music and try deep breathing, in through your nose, hold and out through your mouth. Just concentrate on the breathing and nothing else. I find this a great stress reliver.
very good advise from the last 2 posts.. i would have a nice warm bath (if you have one) candles and some lovely soothing music.. and just relax..empty your mind.. it should help..

or if you can afford it go for some reflexology, make sure you tell them you are pregnant..its really really good xx

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