Tearful and feeling sorry for myself

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Just really down in the dumps at the moment,

I know its just the hormones kicking in, but it doesnt help me not being at work, i am normally so sociable and work with a really good bunch of people

since i have been signed off i am sooooooo bored! cant go anywhere or do anything because of the SPD, even all the swimming pools bar one are members only and the one that isnt is minging :puke:

There is so much i could be doing if i didnt have this damn SPD could be out walking the dogs - we live in the country so some lovely walks but instead me and them are sat indoors waiting for my OH to come home and then because he is the only person i have seen that day, i talk all night to him and he gets annoyed because he has been at work all day and wants to chill :cry: :cry:

Start with the consultant and diabetic nurse tomorrow which has been playing on my mind as well, so very tearful, we both sit and laugh at the things that set me off!

Rant over!
nah not really, mum and dad live about an hour away and have to be at home for when my sister gets in from college - she has downs syndrome , i try and get over and see them regularly it just costs so damn much at the minute in petrol,

Best mate lives an hour away and with two small children and no money, she cant get over,

Work mates all live all over the place, nearest is 20 miles so feel abit lonely lol!
Sorry to hear that your SPD is preventing you from doing what you want to. Perhaps getting some crutches would help your movement? Do you find it difficult driving? :hug: :hug:
TBH the physio never offered me any but then he wasnt really interested in the first place! i am ok driving its when i get out it takes me about half an hour to stop hurtin because i have been sat in that position, struggle to get round the supermarket without having to give up and wait in the car so really my getting about time is limited
:hug: :hug:

Sorry things are rubbish...

I know what you mean about the SPD I'm suffering a lot with it myself. It does make you feel as though you should be excersizing but its too painful!

I've had days of crying all day too....

Talk to us all on here and keep as busy as you can. Thats all the advice I have but just to give you a hug too :hug:

Soon it will all be worth it when baby is here.
Hey hun

Can totally sympathise with you. I feel like a big fat old hermit at the moment!

I'm going to be at work until I drop, which is only round the corner, though it takes me about 20 minutes to get there now when it used to take 7! And then I don't even want to leave my desk all day to avoid pain!

Couldn't think of anything to do with OH this weekend without feeling more of a cripple, but hoping to have a cinema trip soon!

Maybe we could use this thread to all bang our heads together and come up with a list of activites which don't involve too much activities with hip action! Think there's a big load of SPDers on here that would benefit from it? x
I know how you feel. I've got to the point that I'm fed up with the pain also. I just ignore it and go out anyway, still swimming, shopping but all very very slowly :lol: .

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