
Ive already got two stars on my hip so im going to add ella's name above one of them and her date of birth inside of it! :D
Im still waiting to get my other foot done from cancelling when i got my BFP as its not recommend while bf but he's cutting back a lot now so hopefully not long. I have a big gothic fairy on my back and various others here and there! Really want a sleeve but I've got a hubby who hates them so think it will be a no go!
Are you a tattooist bev? Id love to do it but too scared I make a mistake!
I don't do name tattoos so won't be getting Kynons name maybe think something up instead though!
Hello there I did a post about this a couple of weeks ago as just got one for my little boy :) if u haven't seen it here it is :

:) x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
im getting destinys footprint tattooed on my arm with her name. got 5 already and do have quite a few planned, just gotta decide where i want them.
im not a tattooist lol, im a bit of an artist and i love tatts so i got a kit and do my own or some on friends who really pester me, i mostly advise ppl to go to proper artists but i do like the opportunity to practise if ppl dont mind that it wouldnt be nearly as good as a shop done tatt. i dont want to be a scratcher making a living doing crap tatts out my back room so i dont do many on other ppl and id love to get a proper apprenticeship but round here its too competitive and overcrowded and i need to earn proper money

i love the phrase 'i love you more today than yesterday, but less than tomorrow'
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Im going to get her dob on my wrist. Want something else to go with it so it's not too plain though.
im not a tattooist lol, im a bit of an artist and i love tatts so i got a kit and do my own or some on friends who really pester me, i mostly advise ppl to go to proper artists but i do like the opportunity to practise if ppl dont mind that it wouldnt be nearly as good as a shop done tatt. i dont want to be a scratcher making a living doing crap tatts out my back room so i dont do many on other ppl and id love to get a proper apprenticeship but round here its too competitive and overcrowded and i need to earn proper money

i love the phrase 'i love you more today than yesterday, but less than tomorrow'

Did you just buy a gun and go for it? I've been tempted so many times! Im good at drawing on paper but use a rubber quite a bit too so Id probably be crap!
basically yeah i did, tho i have a friend or 2 that are tattoo artists so i feel bit bad as its frowned on by proper tattoo artists to just buy a kit n teach yourself lol. im great at copying things n modifying stuff but i have really limited imagination so id never make a top tattoo artist anyway. if you ever do go buy a kit dont get a cheap chinese 1 if you can afford it get a good kit off a reputable uk tattoo supply place as the chinese inks can be poisonous or cause allergic reactions. kuro sumi tribal black is a great outlining ink to use too lol
My friend taught herself, and the fella who tattooed my thigh taught himself on joints of pork with skin lol, his wife then cut off the skin and cooked it for dinner!!!!
yeah, you can buy the skin from morrisons meat counter too, ive done that lol
Not sure I could practice on meat being a veggie!
Know what you mean about dodgey ink Bev, I have one one my ankle that has drove me mad itching over the years (its 9 years old) recon that was crap ink, its terrible in warm weather or just after coloring my hair!
if you dont wanna use pigskin there is a type of fake practise skin, its like rubber stuff and its available on ebay, i just think pigskin is cheaper and easier to use as its thicker
I'm having harrys name and DOB on my wrist was thinking of having his birth flower incorprated aswell but I'm still thinking about it
Oh I like the birth flower idea, going away to Google October and April flowers now!
Maybe Ill have a go sometime Bev there's not many art and craft things out there I've not tried lol!
A lady who used to go to a baby group had her sons don in roman numerals on her foot it was lovely!!! I think if I had anything I'd have something like that!
I have a picture from a tattoo book of a piper boy, I'll have to dig it out, I found it at the bulldog bash last year, it reminds me of R very much with his skinny legs lol so I think I will get that on my left shoulder with his dob underneath :)

i am racking my brain trying to think of something beautiful to symbolize Campbell. I was going to get his name but was something little on my wrist now that i can add to. any ideas? he was born in Nov x

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.

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