Tarra a bit :-)


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2008
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I dunno if will get a chance to get on here now as have got loads of packing to do. am off on an adventure on saturday for a few weeks :D

Going to a friend's wedding party on saturday in worcester, then down to north cornwall for a family holiday to celebrate me dad's 60th with mum n dad n bro n sis in law, then back home briefly for one night before off again up to manchester to drop my boy with his dad, then camping in lancashire, then off to visit friends in south yorks, notts and leicester.. then am down in essex camping :D phew.. i gonna need a holiday after all that :rotfl:
Anyways hope you all have a happy and healthy few weeks. Will try n text my text buddies at some point just to say ellooooo

Goodluck for all the scans n everything whilst i'm away :hug:

loads love n sunshine
Sarah xxxx
Wow sounds like a busy holiday Sarah! Enjoy yourself and hope you get a chance to relax along the way!
We'll be nearing the half way point on your return :cheer:

Take care,
Sarah x
You will be very missed Fly!! :hug: Have a lovely break! I'm very jealous :shakehead:

(Missing you already lol!) xx
Thanks girlies :hug: Sarah!! I know i can't believe how quickly time is flying by lol :D I haven't started packing yet :roll: do it in a min :rotfl: Will miss this place while I'm gone and have bloody loads to catch up on when i get back lol :dance:
take care one n all xxxxxxxx
Sounds like great fun! Have a great time.... :dance:

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