Tandem feeding


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Anyone done it? I'm still bf'ing LO ( he's nearly 21 months and showing no signs of self weaning) and don't intend to stop just because I m pregnant again.

I know he may self wean at 4-5 months when my milk turns to colostrum again, bt honestly, I can see him carrying on for a good while yet.

Has anyone here tandem fed two LOs? X
I know someone who has. I think her eldest was 16months when her next LO was born and she fed both. She said to begin with her eldest wanted to feed whenever his brother did so would feed them at the same time. She said it was lovely and the boys would stroke each others hair or try and hold hands while feeding. After a couple of weeks (I think) the eldest decided to go back to just a morning and evening feed and self weaned around 2. Hope that helps x x x
I might do if I ever manage to get pregnant while still Bf! Kynon is only 7 months just now though so could still be a while. Did you ttc for long? I've heard it can really help your milk come in for new baby.
Not long at all, in fact we weren't really trying! Just ntnp but even that was only decided last month. It's done LOADS for oh's ego lol!
now this was ages ago but my mum did with my brother and sister, they were quite close together, except the coloustrum 'did bad things to my sisters insides' and she had to stop, i think my sister starting refusing, but it wasn't at 4/5 months it was after my brother was born. my mum was gutted!
I thought I would be tandem feeding, but 3 months into my 2nd pregnancy, and when Oscar was 12 months old, he didn't want booby any more. TBH I think my milk had changed taste so much he didn't like it any more coz he just started biting me constantly. That was one of the ways I knew I was pregnant as he was pulling away and looking at my boobs like WTF is this lol. So we stopped cold turkey. TBH I was so relieved, my nipples had become so senstive by this point I couldn't bare him to be latched, it made me feel sick when he was feeding :shock: They are still really sensitive now, I can't bare them to be touched and i'm worried in case they feel like this when LO #2 is here!!

Sorry, know I haven't offered any advice at all lol Hopefully you're experience will be alot better than mine was!


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