

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2005
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Chloe is coming up to 18 months, and still isn't really saying any 'proper' words. This hasn't really concerned me as such but my OH seems to be thinking that its a big deal and she may need help with her speech? For some reason I had it into my head that if they're not saying proper words before they are 2 than thats when to start seeking help? Just thought I'd put it up to get some more opinions about it. She deffinatly understands some things were saying to her by the way she reacts, and she babbles alot, not a quiet baby, but no proper words as such. Opinions appreciated :) Thanks!
Can you understand what she is trying to say even if they aren't proper words? I can undertand some things Ellie is trying to say - the funniest is "Get Down!" directed at the cat when he is somewhere high (including where he is allowed to be like on the wall in the back garden!
not if she wants more juice she will just hand me the cup. i dont know, maybe she is and im just not picking up on it?? i try to name things when i give them to her in hopes of her copying.
hiya, if you really are concerned you need to see you hv now cos it takes forever, and i mean forever to get to see a speech therapist...

That said, your little girl is young to be speaking properly. Jonah was 3, we started him in Nursery to be with other kids to try and get him bump started, and it worked, to a degree. We had taught Jonah signs for the things he wanted and he had all the other kids using them within a week! :wall:

We found it quicker to sort things through the school, they got a therapist to observe him while he played with the others and she said that she couldn't see a problem, he just didn't want to.

A few months down the line, I swear to god he just does not shut up, everything is why and our heads are done in by 7pm when he goes to bed.

Oh, and I just got an appointment through on Friday for next week to see the therapist, independantly, almost a year later!!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do hun, most of all don't worry


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