talking ur partner round...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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did any of u hav 2 talk ur partners into ttc?
my boyf asked me out of the blue last nite if i wanted any more children, and said that he doesnt. melissa was one of life's happy accidents and we'd never discussed ttc b4, i assumed we probably would when we were older, but hadnt given it much thought. but now millie's here i'd like 1 or 2 siblings for her (tho not yet- in a year or 2!) but might need to convince my boyf. how do u do it?!
My OH was just the same...he kinda came around on his own, the main thing that made us TTC Brody when we did was he wanted a dog and I said I'd never get a dog then introduce a baby, I'd rather do it the other way around.
I already had 2 children when I met my partner and we never discussed having more. I fell pregnant by accident with the youngest and I knew I didn't want a big age gap between him and the next. O/h said he didn't want any more after the last one but I was honest and said I did. As it happens, I think subconciously he did want another as we often didn't use protection. Now, my youngest was 1 on 15th sept and I am 28 weeks pregnant. O/h has said he definately doesn't want any more after this one and is gonna book the snip after this one is born.
I was having this discussion with my DH last night... I already had Tia when I met him, and well to him now, we already have one child... Talking him into TTC this one didn't was the other way round really... He wanted at least two children but I had had such a bad time with my ex I really didn't want to risk the same thing happening again. It was just me being irrational though.

But now I'm pregnant and we have the baby things, and I remember when Tia was tiny, I was thinking that maybe we could try for another one after this one....but he is horrified at the idea...says its not fair to bring another baby into the world when it won't get as much as the others, or that the others get less because of the new one... in terms of financial needs... He's even talked about getting the snip, but he's only 25 and I won't let him until he's at least 36+.

He's right in a way though, but I would like three.. We will see after this one is born.. he might just get broody... he did this time round. But convincing him to give up his office and make it into another baby room, might be pushing it.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I dont know! my hubby said a while back he would like a child as immy has been a easy happy baby.
I gues it something hes really got to want, if not trixie - holes in the condoms lmao!

A friend of mine did it and her oh was cross for a while but soon got over it when baby was born!
OH already has three kids from his previous marriage so the thought of another freaks him out, but he realises how important it is to me and seems to be coming round.
mrs_tommo22 said:
I dont know! my hubby said a while back he would like a child as immy has been a easy happy baby.
I gues it something hes really got to want, if not trixie - holes in the condoms lmao!

A friend of mine did it and her oh was cross for a while but soon got over it when baby was born!
he might just change his mind without any nudging from you, I remember a male colleague at work always said he wasnt interested in having anymore after his 1st son was born and now hes openly talking about trying for another.

My friend was also the same, she said never again after a very bad pregnancy & birth and now 9 months down the line is talking about when Alfie has a little brother or sister.

So maybe it will take very little effort form you............Hope so!!
I think that the asnwer is to just not talk about it too much. Men feel harrassed otherwise. My partner and I went through a really bad time over it. Now I left it and we just got on with things, he has come around. So, best to just leave him to mull it over.

Sophs x
My DH didn't need talking around - he has always wanted children. I haven't told him yet that i wasnt 4 but one day i will!!!!! Lets just try and get over the morning sicknes with this one first!

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