Symptoms B4 BFP!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I got my BFP this morn so thought i'd give u a run down on my sypmtons that i got b4 testing day!!

1- Sore (.)(.)'s started 12 day's b4 testing normaly get get this but not till 4 day's b4 AF
2- Wind :oops: 7 days b4 thought i'd eaten too many beans but just didn't go away
3- Strange dreams 7 days b4
4- More CM? Well just felt damp down there never get any CM!
5- Af twinges 7 days b4 not bad just the odd 1 now and then never get twinges till day b4 AF
6- Waking in the nite 4 days b4 i love my sleep so this was the weird 1 4 me been lying awake 4 about 4hrs each nite! :evil:
7- AF cramps all day yesterday never get them till AF is in full swing
8- Spot on chin! i know this is a strange 1 but in alternative therapy's the chin is also related to your repoductive system and when i had my ectopic i had a cluster of spots on left side this is 1 spot right in the middle
9- Ache around ankles i know another stange 1 but in reflexology the ankle is related to the repoductive system, anyway at time of AF my right ankle aways aches but this time its my left so its diffrent?
10- No AF (duh!!!)

hope this helps all u symptom spotters
Good luck 2 all of u TTC your day will come!!!!
Baby dust 2 u all and thanx 4 all the surport TTC :hug: :hug:
Hopfully c u in 1st tri soon x x x x
Thankyou for that it really helps to know that other people are going through the same thing and then they get a BFP.
I have really noticed the dream thing - is weird but its like they are always nasty and they actually feel like they are real - think thats why i wake up.
Anyway still got 6 dyas before my AF is due so fingers crossed, but I am chuffed for you and hope you have a brill 9 months! :cheer:
yeah dreamt both my grandad and mum died woke up crying but dreaming of people dying i means change and thats def gonna b true!!
i had the most horrid dream last night/this morn...oh gotup at 5 forwork, left me in bed and i dozed offf and thought he'd come back into bed and started cuddling me & kissing me and when i opened my eyes it was a total stranger who put his hand over my mouth and i couldnt scream as it wouldnt come out :|
it was terrifying, i must sound like a nut job :lol:

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