Taking vitamins


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
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I'm not officially trying for baby 2 for a while yet, but with all this baby bombarsion going on in my life at the mo (2 friends expecting any moment and one just had her baby last night) I accidently found myself in the supermarket earlier on today mooching around the folic acid section and ended up buying some, and b-complex and evening primrose oil.

I know, I know too soon to start preparing myself ;) but I figured I'm off the pill, mega broody and well you know, there can't be any harm in starting to take them.

Disclaimer - I'm pretty insightful and realise this is a broody crazed blip and don't intend to start TTC just yet...but if I feel the same way as I do now in 3 months or so and change my mind about waiting for so long I will be grateful for having started to prepare in my own way a little bit.

Hehee naughty Stacey :p
Hahaha naughty Stacey, Im there with you!!! I bought folic acid at the end of last year and started taking it then! Apparently theres no harm in this and its well and truly in your system, for when the time comes :D
I also googled pre-pregnancy supplements/vitamins but didnt buy any yet as they are quite pricey. I think I will though when I actually TTC :)
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Oh Ladies, :dito:
I bought folic acid last week and been taking them for a week now. I felt a little guilty at first but I took it 8 months last time before we TTC and I did get my BFP very fast so it is all for the best. Or I just tell myself that... :p
I totally agree Kat, whats the harm in it?! :whistle: And its so cheap to buy that I don't mind taking it everyday.
I also read somewhere that we should take vitamin D too? But not sure about this one, as dont want to take too much etc, but I will definitely take pre-pregnancy vits too once TTC.
Thats great news Kat, that you got your BFP very quickly, lets hope thats the case for all of us this time around :dust::dust:
Hmmm :think:, I am not sure of the Vit D. I recon in the winter most people need a bit more of it because of this beautiful weather but I'm not sure it helps with TTC. I'll read up on it in a sec. Google allert :)
Vixx, I am sure we will all find ourselves knocked up soon and until then we have these chats to entertain us and folic acid :oooo:
With dd I started taking them 3 months in advance, and then had to delay by 3 months so continued taking them - then when I eventually fell pg, I was so sick I couldn't keep them down so could no longer take them! Ha ha! I took around 10 between weeks 6 & 14!

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