Taking forever!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
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I know that time cannot physically slow down or speed up 1 minute is always 60 seconds but OMG this feels like the longest cycle ever usually my AF arrives unexpected and far too quick but this time i feel like I have been waiting for ever! i'm not due on for several days possibly even weeks but I am acutely aware that with each passing day the due date of any bubba will be nearing December which is not ideal and then there is the waiting for the December "danger zone" to pass.

In the back of mind is the doctors voice telling me that the first 6 months after a MC reduces the risk of a 2nd MC and makes you more fertile I feel like I'm waiting my chances away!

Anyhoo rant over I know a lot of are waiting for much longer than me and i have soooo much admiration for you especially if you still have all your hair!!!

I'm just in a bitchy mood this morning people are now expecting me to be "over" my MC and whilst I am in a sense please tell that to my hormones! poor hubby is suffering - his man bits have never had so much attention recently!

So I have a few milestones to look forward to to take my mind off things I guess and I am trying to concentrate on them rather than waiting to boink!

I had my docs yesterday who has put me on IBS medication for my constant stomach cramps. On Thursday I'm having lots of bloods taken and Early Feb I'm having lots of vaginal tests done for who knows what! Then I have the results to "look forward" to.

And whilst we have been avoiding DTD this month we have slipped up a few times but nothing that should cause a stork to come knocking in 9 months.

If you have read this thread through then I apologise for my rant I just need to get it out there at the moment as hubby doesn't want to think about dates and things he like to stick his head in sand about the artform of creating life and that is more than fine with me. I just need to vent as friends and family are all announcing their pregnancies at the time I would have been announcing mine so i'm just going through a rough patch and having to "suffer in silence" offline is just starting to grate when all I want to do is stomp my feet and yell it's not fair like my 5 yr old does!
Hi Eryinera. It looks like you have some lovely things to look forward to as per your tickers. I am sorry I can't help speeding up the time but your next Angel is just round the corner if you stretch your neck you can see it. When you have that bun in the oven you will think of this time with a smile on your face. I'll be keeping an eye on you (not in a stoker way... :)) and hope to see a BFP soon. Keep strong
Hehehe thank you. We agreed on a date but I'm dreading planning the wedding it's just not what I enjoy doing we have been together 11 years and been talking about a second child for 4 years.... so as you cans see we rush things(!) I just keep having to tell myself both times we have tried I have fallen pregnant within 2/3 months so I think that's what's keeping me going right now!

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