

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2005
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Hi All!

I am currently 19wks ad 1 day preg... they symptoms I have are
* Tired Alot
* Aching muscles
* Little kicks
* Mood Swings...
Any one else what are all your symptoms.. I am also veru emotional too.... Just wondered if all this was normal?

Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Hi Dani

I'm 24 weeks today and have very similar symptoms -
- very tired
- not sleeping so well due to being uncomfortable in bed and having to get up at least once in the middle of hte night to go to the loo
- mood swings - occasionally I've been tearful over the tinyest problem
- also I seem to be getting forgetful - maybe it's the tiredness!
Baby is kicking all the time now - has been for the last 3-4 weeks. He/she is very active and sometimes keeps me awake, but once I'm asleep it's not strong enough to wake me up.

Have you had your 20w scan yet?


So I am not going Insane then LOL... I have not had my 20 wk scan yet.. I got It on July 18th ( 20wks amd 4 days ).. I can't wait. I so hope everything is going well and baby Is fine..

I also hope to find out the sex if possible.....
I have Pm'd u about the chat room thats on here. Just I have never saw u on it that's all. It's really great, Always busy.. You should try It.

Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Im coming up to 16 weeks and my symptoms are;

tiredness, having cat naps in the day - not like me usually

emotional at silly little things on tv

needing the loo loads, especially at night

felt my first little flutters!

How long after ur first flutters was it before u felt full blown kicks, and when can u see ur baby kicking?

x x x

Dani - cheers for the PM. I only tried the chat room out a few nights ago but agree it is excellent! Last couple of nights I've been on there from around 9.30pm.

Lauz - I first felt flutters at around 16 weeks, then hubbie first felt a kick at 19 weeks, so I think the defined kicks started at around 18-19 weeks but they gradually got stronger.

Saw my belly moving at around 20-21 weeks. Now kicks are pretty strong (though not yet painful) and baby doesn't stop!

you're V lucky to be feeling them so soon - it's a great feeling isn't it?
Hi, thought i'd let you know my 10 main symptoms....

1. Lots of kicking and movement! (especially when I drink coca cola)
2. Cravings for coca cola!
3. feeling very alert but can fall asleep at the drop of a hat!
4. emotional! (crying watching Sally Jessy Raphael) lol
5. peeing every 5 minutes! (including throughout the night)
6. hot flushes! (baby is like having central heating)
7. rosy cheeks! (No need for make-up) :)
8. Clear skin!
9. Great hair!
10. happy! :)

Mostly all good at the moment! I deserve it after throwing up everyday for weeks and weeks.

This must be what they mean by "blooming". I feel excellent.

Lou :)
Hi All!

Thanks for the great replies.... I am still feeling kicking, when I put my hand on my stomach I think I can feel it but I just dont know.. wether my hand can feel it or I can feel it because the kicking is inside me LOL.
Bet u all think that I am crazy LOL

Well today every1 is my 20th Birthday Yeah! Not really up 2 much though.. Its just like another day for me....

Thank u all for your replies..
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Happy Birthday Dani! :lol: :lol: :lol:

As you know I'm really close to you date-wise and your symptoms sound exactly like mine! The kicks have become regular everyday things now which I do really like so far although I can't wait until my husband can feel them too! I also have some lovely stretchmarks!! As for mood swings it's funny as I'm more often than not up for a bit of a fight (not like me AT ALL) especially about political issues or things involving the future of the world or peace etc! I get so worked up I end up crying partly in sadness and love for everything living and partly in frustration at the stuff that doesn't get solved! I'm a real state! I also keep forgetting stuff that put on the stove which is quite worrying! I'm having to be extra careful not to leave the kitchen to check my email when things are cooking otherwise it ends up crispy!

Apart from that this bit of the pregnancy has been WAY better than the beginning bit- horray! Now if only I can stop people telling me that I should be showing more by now and sharing unwanted horror stories it'll all be perfect!

Hope you have a lovely day! What are you doing that's nice?

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