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In need of Advice!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2005
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Hi All!

I just wondered If you's could help... I am 21 wks and 4 dats pregnant.. I have been havin gfunny feelings dow below... When go to bed at night It takes me ages to get comfortable.. tossing and turning from side to side.. But when I go to lie on my back, I feel a lot of pressure down below as If I really need the loo... Is this normal, Can some 1 pls tell me that everything is ok. Just so worried.

All Advice Accepted...
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Hello again,

I have that as well. I can't sleep and am up about 5 times for the loo. I think the pressure is the uterus, it says that you aren't to lie on your back now due to the pressure stopping the blood vessels to the baby. I still do it for a short period as I can't sleep but I can feel the pressure down there too. Forever tossing and turning and now have to sleep with a pillow between my legs (which is comfortable and halps), plus I get really bad cramp either side now.

I don't think it's anything to worry about. I'm 22 weeks today and it's the same for me too. Try the pillow things and try not to lie on your back. if you do just do it for short periods and try to keep upright a bit I think. That's just what has worked for me.

I feel baby moving alot at night too which is nice but keeps me awake to as they are weird sensations rather than actual kicking or anything.

Hope this helps. xxxxxxxxx
I have not spoke to my midwife.. Trying too see her is really hard as she only works along side my surgery once a week on a Fri.. I have booked an app too see her but the earliest I can get is 18th Aug.. The receptionist then said that If I have n e more worries I would just have to go to A&E, So basicall they have been no help at all!

Love Danielle and Bubble xx
wow they dont sound very helpful at all!!

can you not phone anti natal at the hospital to speak to a midwife there for advice? here we have that number in case we cant get hold of our own midwifes
Hi Dani,

sleeping is getting pants for me too- I can't get comfortable, my hips ache and my ear goes dead when I lie on my side and then trying to turn over with a pillow between the legs under a duvet isn't very easy! Add cramping legs, the need to pee three times a night and hayfever and my husband is not a happy man and I am one tired lady! I actually think it would be much better if I could have 3 hours sleep at a time throughout the day- I am having to resort to afternoon naps again! However- since you're worried about the low down aches I would try and see someone just in case.

Has anyone actually been advised not to sleep on their back as I have only read this advice online and my midwife has not mentioned it at all? Also I have found conflicting information about this online- some Drs saying that it's fine in a normal pregnancy and that this is old fashioned advice? So far I haven't been sleeping on my back just in case but I also read that if you put a towel under one buttock (!) this stops the blood flow reduction that people warn about with back sleeping. Has anyone been told this? I really don't know who's right on this one and whether my total lack of quality sleep is actually going to be worse for the baby than a possible reduction in blood flow.....?

i've heard they advise you not to lie on your back for longer periods after wk 20 as the uterus and baby are getting quite heavy and can press on your blood vessels and restrict the bloodflow - i suppose it could be pressing on the bladder too? i don't know really, only explanation i can think of!

are you coming on the chat today?
Hi Dani,

One of the books that i've got suggests that you see a dr or midwife asap if you have a feeling of heaviness or pressure in your pelvic area, everything is probably fine but if it were me i'd be getting checked out and my mind put at rest.

As for the lying on your back thing, i lie on my back a lot, apparently it is supposed to restrict the blood flow back to your heart which can lead to diziness but shouldnt affect the baby at all, when i was talking to my mum about it she says she's never heard of nort sleeping on your back, so it's something thats been brought out recently, if you are really worried then they advise you to place a rolled up towel or pillow under your right buttock, this is supposed to release the pressure of the baby and allow normal blood flow, i would say go with whats comfortable :)
Thanks Manda,

I've just done some more research and it's really conflicting but most Drs seem to think that if it's not doing you or the baby any good you'll just automatically move anyway and since you have to get up a lot to go to the loo you probably don't restrict the blood flow for that long anyway. Apparently towards the end of the pregnancy you just can't sleep on your back anyway as it's not comfy...? Anyone know this from experience?

I just can't do this side sleeping- last night I had another awful night, first off I dreamt that I'd gone into labour and only my husband was there (!) then I had this tight band feeling across where my waist was (the uterus moving up maybe?) then going to the loo 4 times then hip pain and then cramps in both calves not helped by having to bend my legs around the pillow to ease my hips- arrgh! I ended up having to get up to pace around the kitchen in order to strech my leg muscles and stop them cramping. I think that's definitely linked to how much walking I do- it's worse when I've walked for more than an hour and a half (which is every working day as we don't have a car) deep joy!! I think that if I sleep on my back I won't need the pillow which will help the cramps and the hips and possibly the hayfever as well you never know! Perhaps if I'm slightly raised it'll help bloodflow- or maybe I'll have to try the towel thing.... hmmm... It's really started stressing me out and I feel like I can't cope when I haven't slept properly, also it means my husband can't sleep either and we've had some rows about it which get me all worked up and sick feeling but when you're both so tired it's hard not to get eggy with each other :(

How are you Dani? Have you had more heavy feelings? Hope it's better

Hi Ladies

Here is what Babycenter says about sleeping comfortably, and the problems with sleeping on your back etc......

Getting — and staying — comfortable in bed may be one of your greatest challenges during pregnancy, particularly if you're used to sleeping on your stomach or your back. Both positions present problems during pregnancy. During your first trimester, tender breasts may keep you from sleeping on your stomach, and as your belly grows, lying face-down will become increasingly uncomfortable.

Sleeping flat on your back puts the full weight of your uterus on your back, intestines, and your inferior vena cava (the vein that transports blood from your lower body to your heart). Back-sleeping can also increase your risk for backaches and hemorrhoids, inefficient digestion, and impaired breathing and circulation. Lying on your back in the second and third trimester can also cause changes in blood pressure. For some women, it can cause a drop in blood pressure that can make them feel very dizzy; for others, it can cause an unwanted increase in blood pressure.

What you can do about it
During the first half of your pregnancy, it's a good idea to start training yourself to sleep on your left side whenever you can. This position benefits your baby by maximizing the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta. It also helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn reduces swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands. Sleeping on your right side is fine, too. You'll probably need to alternate between your left and right side to remain comfortable. (If you wake up at night and find yourself on your stomach or back, don't worry — you haven't done any harm to your baby. Just roll back onto your side.)

Here's how many pregnant women feel most comfortable in bed: Lie on your left side with your knees bent and put a pillow between your knees. Arrange other pillows under your belly and behind your back for extra comfort and support. You can buy special maternity pillows for this purpose, though you may find that regular pillows work just as well. If you suffer from heartburn or breathlessness, you may also find it helpful to prop your upper body up a bit. In your third trimester, wearing a sleeping bra and a maternity belt can give extra support to your breasts, belly, and back.

A final tip: If lying on your side puts too much pressure on your hips, buy a soft egg-crate foam mattress pad. The egg-carton-shaped layer goes on top of your mattress and under the sheet and regular mattress pad for added comfort and air-circulation and is available in a range of sizes.

I don't know if you'll find it useful - I thought it was informative, but it doesn't matter what I do, I can't get comfortable sleeping on my side. Sadly I don't think it will get any better over the last 3 months :(

I've tried all sorts of things like sleeping with foam under my hip, extra pillows here, there and everywhere, last night I tried sleeping with a doubled up duvet under me on a foam pull-out bed we have- no joy! I just fell asleep sitting in a chair in the staff room after lunch mind you! Maybe if I use a V pillow on top of my normal pillow I'll kind of be upright rather than lying flat on my back and maybe that will be ok...? I might phone my midwife about all of this actually and see what she says.

Ok! Well I have spoken to my midwife and she said that I should avoid sleeping totally flat on my back but that if I couldn't sleep on my side then being tilted to one side is ok. Last night I slept with a blanket under my left side so that I was about an inch tilted and I actually managed a whole night without cramps, hip pain and only one trip to the loo- I could have cried with relief this morning! I did sleep on each side for a little while (I was still aware of how I was lying) but I was mostly on my tilt and for now at least it was really comfy! She also asked if I'd tried sleeping sitting up a bit so I suppose this would be ok too.

Hope this helps!
Thanks Rosebay - I may try tilting with more pillows. I'm suffering from hip pain now as well as cramps - it's weird as my hips sort of feel numb, but in a painful way (if that makes sense) - I have to keep turning once the pain sets in.

Maybe I have a very low pain threshold - does not bode well for what I'll have to deal with in 3 months.... :(
Good luck with the pillows- hope you manage to sleep well :)


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