Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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I've been diagnosed with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction.

On Thursday i was walking and fell over. It felt like my leg fell out of my hip! Talk about agony.

Anyway it didn't get any better Friday if anything the pain has just gotten worse so i finally went to the hospital on Saturday.

So I have Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and life is not going to be fun until this baby is born in October!!!!!!

It seems my pubic bone is at the point where it may actually separate as the baby gets bigger. Right now its loose and moving in a way it shouldn't. The pain is unreal!

I can hardly walk. And on top of all that i have a cold and i fell like shit and Richard has gone on a buisness trip for a week so im all alone. I just want to cry!

In case you dont know what Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction is i found this for you.

What is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction?

The symphysis pubis is the name given to where two bones meet at the front of the pelvis. The pelvic bone is roughly in the shape of a heart, and is actually formed by three bones, which are held together by very strong ligaments.

The bones meet to form three 'fixed' joints - at the front (the symphysis pubis) and at each side of the bottom of the spine (the sacro-iliac joints).

Normally, these joints are not designed to allow movement. However, when a woman becomes pregnant, a hormone called relaxin is produced which loosens all the pelvic ligaments in order to allow the pelvis slight movement at the time of birth.

For some reason, the ligaments occasionally loosen too much and too early before birth. This means they can't keep the pelvic joints stable so the pelvis moves, especially on weight bearing. All this is made worse by the increased weight of the growing baby and sometimes the symphysis pubis joint actually separates slightly. The result is mild to severe pain, usually in the pubic area, and is called SPD.

What are the symptoms?

The most common is pain and difficulty when walking. Some women describe the feeling of their pelvis coming apart. The pain is made worse when turning in bed or doing something that involves standing on one leg, such as climbing up stairs, getting dressed and getting in and out of a car. The pain is generally felt in the pubis and/or the sacro-iliac joints, but can also be experienced in the groin, the inner side of the thighs, the hips and in one or both buttocks.
i got it aswell!!!!!
my fanny hurts so much! im seeing a physio thearapist in a weeks time so i will let you know the out come. all i can say is rest does make it better the less you do the less it will hurt!!!! for me the pain comes the following few hours after walking etc and it really hurts and some days are worse than others but at the moment it not so bad but im thinking that when baby is bigger it not going to be much fun. let me know how you are doing it sounds like you had a really bad time of it more extreme than i have suffered and i thought i had it bad! there is a more serious version of spd that has another name which can be diagnosed by an x ray and may need surgery after baby has arrived hope that you not suffering with that. hope you feel beter soon
sarah x
It totally sucks doesnt it!

I just feel so miserable and then i feel guilty for being miserable when i know everything is worth it for this baby
I have the exact same thing and am seeing the physio tomorrow t 1pm. She gave me this info and the suggestions seem to be helping a bit.


This means that the joints of the pelvis i.e. symphysis pubis at the front and the two sacroiliac joints at the back are not working as they should, causing unusual strain on the joints giving rise to pain.
This maybe because of the hormone influance during pregnancy. Hormones are working on the ligaments in order to loosed them. This allows more movement to take place in the joints mking them more susceptible to strain.

Symptoms that you may experience
Symphysis Pubis Disfunction
*Pain low down over Symphysis Pubis Joint sometimes radiating into one or both groins.
*Pain radiating to inner thigh or thighs.
*Difficulty turning in bed.
*Difficulty standing on one leg.
*Pain on moving legs apart.
*Worse after walking for some time.
*Pain in low back.
*Aware of 'clicking' sensation in pelvis
Sacroiliac Dysfunction
*Pain in lower back possibly more severe on one side.
*Could radiate into the buttock and back of the leg on one that side, often mistaken for sciatica.
*Worse after walking/standing for some time.
*Difficulty standing on one leg.
*Difficulty turning in bed.

Try and limit any weight bearing activities i.e
*Standing for any length of time.
*Only do essential walking
The more walkig you do the more pain you will be in at the end of the day - it is directly related.
*Stairs - tackle one at a time and if one leg is worse than the other when going up put the good leg first. When coming down put bad leg first.
Avoid moving your legs apart i.e
*When getting into a car sit on the seat first and then bring both legs together into the car.
*When getting into bed, lift both legs together up onto the bed.
*When turning in bed, bend both knees, keep them together and lift your bottom to turn (it will help if you have satin sheets or pyjamas - should slide more easily)
*Think about the position you have your legs when sitting - they should be your hips width apart.
Avoid standing on one leg when getting dressed i.e
*Sit when putting socks, shoes on.
Avoid squatting.
Avoid breast stroke when swimming.
Avoid twisting from your waist


POSTURE*When lying on your side put a pillow between your legs. Try to ensure that the pillow is thick enough to hold your knee inline with your hip.
*When sitting always make sure your back is well suported and use a small roll (e.g. towel rolled up) to support the hollow at the bottom of your back. Try also to lean back while sitting as this will take the weight of the baby off the pubic jointt
Take care

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