Swollen feet

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi Eveyone

When did your feet first start to swell? Mine have started this week and my mom is worrying me she said its only usually in the last few weeks before the baby comes you should swell. My feet are so swollen they look like elephants feet.

Also is it normal that my baby girl is not kicking anymore. I can feel her moving and nudging me. Has she got too little room to kick now?
Hi Jo Jo

Glad I saw your thread, my hands, feet and face have started to get swollen just this week. Not a happy bunny as i cant wear my boots anymore and I seriously had to re-lace my trainers!!!
My feet are def worst affected and are swollen from morning to night also cant wear my rings anymore.
I think its quite normal, Rooander (who is currently off line due to a house move by the way) was swollen more or less for the last 8 weeks of her pregnancy.
I think the only time to worry is if you have high blood pressure and protein in your wee too.
Hope this helps.
yea i shouldnt worry too much as im already swelling and have been for a few weeks....if it starts getting worse id inform ur midwife just incase
I would keep an eye on this although it might be perfectly normal for one of you to swell up like a balloon for someone else it could be a sign of something, I would speak to your midwife just to check she may want to take a urine sample and blood pressure, swelling can be a sign of pre eclampsia, but not always. Sorry I dont want to panic anyone, but my aunt had pre eclampsia with both of her children the first was born 2 weeks early the other arrived before she was 30 weeks and one of her symptoms was swelling, so I personally think its best to get it checked out. The midwife wont mind or if you cant get to see her go to your GP.
Also with regards to baby kicking I dont get kicked as much now more wiggles and bits sticking out. When it does kick now it bloody hurts!! As long as you have at least 10 movements a day then this should be nothing to worry about.
I have 1 swollwen foot!!!

it's my left, i can feel the skin getting really tight.
Why one- god only knows but it is so irratating!! :cry:
I didnt swell up at all during pregnancy and thought id got away with it but after the birth, my god, i looked like the michellin man!!!!!! lol
Yeah me too Steph! I didn't know that would happen! I had elephant ankles. Seems to be going down a bit now (8 days afterwards).


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