Swolen up...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Just had a shower, got out and noticed that my vaginas really swolen.
Its felt swolen for a few days but havent bothered looking as I thought it was just pregnancy and it wa supose to.
When I go to the toilet it feels like the tube the wee comes out from is swolen and i can feel ym wee coming out if that makes sence.
I swear my lady parts arnt supose to look like this.
Any ideas? :think:
sorry hun I dont know, didnt want to read and run :hug: Sure someone will be able to help with this xx
Im afraid i haven't a clue either- doesn't sound too nice though - come on ladies - spill the knowledge - what is it ? :lol:
I think some swelling is normal. Is it painful at all? Might be worth seeing a doctor in case you have an infection.
Nope its not painful, just feels wierd when Im sat down etc :lol:
Hi Jazz hun..

What you're feeling is an increase in the blood flow.. due to things changing down there. If it's not itching or painful, then there is no need to worry.

When is your next MW appt? Might be worth mentioning it to her. As I said, as there's no pain/bleeding/itching or unusual discharge.. there isn't anything to worry about. If you start to experience any of what I've mentioned then I'd suggest seeing your doctor.

Hope this helps :hug:
Oh and a little tip.. try to keep your area elevated. Lay down on your back with a pillow under your bum. It's the best way to get that blood flowing the right way again, lol :lol:
My next apointments next friday :)
Ill definatly ask them then, Ill try the thing witha pillow hun :)
Thanks guys :hug:
yeah its increase in blood flow in time you may notice your labia or lips swell too, mine are quite bad atm :lol:

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