swine flu jab - ow ow ow!


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Pointless thread, had mine today (had one with my previous pregnancy) but I had forgotten how quickly it give you a dead arm!!!! Lasted 3 days last time.
My surgery had invited 20 pregnant women for the jab, the nurse said I was the only one to turn up so far, and there was no one waiting when I left! Guess people think as it's not winter it's not important now.............
Glad you got it tho hun :hug: far better safe than sorry xxx
Exactly princess, I can't believe so many pregnant women take the risk, I was thankful to be offered it to be honest. xx
some people just chose not to for some reason, no way I'd risk catching it though, it's awful x
I had one at 12 weeks, my arm did hurt a lot but after that no side effects. I'd rather be safe.
I gotmy Swine flu/Seasonal One too :) x My arm was VERY sore after, but it only lasted 2 days I think xx Had a belter of a headache though xx Hope u feel better soon :hug: xx
Hope no one took offence at my comment, I know it's individual choice about getting jabs etc.
Last time I had it I had no side effects other than the dead arm which lasted about 3 days, was sensible and had it in my right arm as they'll be taking my blood pressure in my left arm tomorrow at my appointment, guessing that might have hurt a wee bit!? LOL. x
oh i remember the ow ow ow of it lol definatly worth having better to be safe than sorry my sore arm only lasted a day and paracetamol eased it a little

princess81 :hugs: your 1 of the reasons i got mine xx
i had mine at 13 weeks didnt hurt or get any side affects x

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