

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Im a bit worried.

I know that swelling is normal in pregnancy but my ankles have me worrying.

For the past couple of days my feet have been really sore, as if ive walked like 2 miles in the most uncomfortable shoes. Ive been wearing my uggs and noticing tht when i get home at night my socks have left quite vivid marks on my ankles that are sore when i get in the bath.

So yesterday i thought as its sunny id go to work sock free in comfy sandles, my feet hurt all the way to work, and when i got there they had swollen and my toes look like chubby toes (my feet are normally scrawny, unattractively thin) and my ankles have swollen so much that the bone is not visible. I went to bed early last night because i was nackered (about 7pm) and slept right through til 9 this morning and when i woke up my ankles are still the same.

Ive just been food shopping and had to cut the trip short because my feet hurt so much and am now home with them raised on my foot rest feeling very sorry for myself! :(

is this normal? or atleast common?
It does sound normal to me but if your worried phone your midwife for reassurance. xxx
I'd say have a chat with you midwife or GP if you're worried :) but it sounds pretty normal to me :/ x
Hi :wave:

I suffered with something like this when I was pregnant with my son, I think it was called Edema (sp?) The swelling is caused by fluid around joints. I had in around my ankles and the tops of my feet.

Unfortunately I don't think there is anything to cure it, apart from having the baby. I used to put my feet in cool water and put my feet on some pillows in bed to help the fluid drain away. Try and put your feet up as much as possible! I lived in flip flops which did help.

Don't try and squeeze the fluid, it really hurts!
It might be worth speaking to your midwife if your worried.

I hope I helped a little :hugs:
thanks ladies, you've made me feel alot better. I was getting worried as im sposed to be flying in 4 weeks and i dont want them to blow up haha.
have you had any other problems?
i only ask cus when I was at the docs about my fainting and palpitations the other day he asked me if I had had any extreme swelling of my ankles? he didnt say why, but im guessing if you have had both it would be worth mentioning to a doctor or your midwife?

everyone says swelling ankles is normal so I shouldnt worry, just get your feet up whenever you can
Check with your midwife because it can be a sign of pre eclampsia, but if your blood pressure etc is fine its normal,
One way of helping get rid of the swelling is to blast them with a shower, first hot water then cold, a few mins at a time, for as long as you can stand, keep alternating it.
Aw u poor thing, I didn't av them whilst pregnant last time but did get them afterwards due to the section, I just used to put them up all time as high as I could still being confey, n blasted them with cool water, make sure u cream them up to the creams good for the skin n the massage good for the swelling x x x
I feel your pain! Over the last couple of weeks, my feet have been getting more and more swollen. I was at ante-natal class today and was horrified to notice that they were a rather unattractive purplish colour, as well as being fat and swollen - nice! I try to put my feet up higher than my hips as this has been recommended, but my bump is so big now, it just makes baby squished and me very uncomfortable. I think I;m going to just have to put up with corn-beef feet until baby choses to come - hopefully not long now!
My colleague at work keeps calling me monster munch feet! Cheeky cow! Mine are really swelling so been living in my flip flops! I find that using cushions under my feet in bed helps though.

Have you thought about trying reflexology? It's supposed to be excellent for loads of pregnancy complaints. Just a thought. x

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