suspected corneal eptopic or failing pregnancy at 5.4 weeks


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Mar 19, 2007
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I ma 5.4 weeks pregnant and have just had my second early pregnancy scan today which has caused alarms bells to be rung and im left just not knowing what on earth to think or do?. scan has revealed a sac in my womb but no yolk and its not as advanced as theyd ex[erct at this stage.More worryingly, there is another mass, or possible sac, on my cornea (the bit where the falliopean tube joins the womb) which is suspicious of a corneal ectopic pregnancy which would make the other sac a psudosac. The alternative is that the corneal mass could just be a cyst, which would be nothing to worry about in itself, although still wouldnt change the fact the other sac isnt as big as it should be.. To make things even more confusing my hormones have not quite doubled, but are still rising.On wednesday they were 2600, and today (friday) they are 4976.Midwife siad shed have liked to see them double at least so this is slightly under and implys the pregnancy is failing for whatever reason, although shes still saying there is an outside chance things will be ok pn MONDAY.Three people scanned me in the end as noone was sure what was going on, including my consultant, and two think its a failing pregnancy and one a corneal.Theyve told me to stay at home for the weekend and come back monday, but im petrified now, as I know a corneal ectopic is really bad news and if it ruptures the worst kind of eptopic you can get.Ive been told to go straight to hospital if I get any pain or bleeding. Im in such a state, I just dont know what to do.Its gone beyond being scared about losing the baby to being scared of this rupture. The consultant siad it was unlikely to rupture as there were no signs of this at present, but the midwife who scanned me siad shed seen them rupture earlier than mine. I wish they knew more. Has anyone else been in this situation?Sorry it's such a long post, but cant summarise it any better at
I haven't had this but just wanted to send you a hug :hug: I know how worrying it can all be.

I hope everything is ok :hug:
Oh crumbs! :shock:

Will keep everything crossed for you this weekend. Good luck for Monday :hug:

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