mum's the word

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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So much for our surprise! The sonographer tried her best to sheild the gender but it was clear to see meat and veg on proud display twice, so it's definately my 3rd boy! We're very happy but were quite disappointed with the 'nevermind' themed responses from friends/family. That was the reason we DIDN'T want to find out, scans are to ensure foetus is developing well, not to find out the gender, that's just an added bonus for some people. Has anyone else had similar responses when they've had the same sex kids?
Congratulations on your Team Blue!!
Sorry to hear friends/ family have been abit negative rather than celebrating the fact that you are having another boy :hug: x
congrats- is daddy proud it was so obvious!! :rotfl:

i am hoping for a boy this time so go team blue!!!

glad everything is ok x
O/h is sooo chuffed cos he was an only child for 21 years and always dreamed of having a brother close in age, so he can now see for himself how siblings love/hate relationship develops!!
Congrats on your baby boy!!
Before I found out I was having a girl I said I thought I was having a boy and people would say "oh no you want another girl so its one of each" and im sure if I would have been having a boy they would have said the "oh never mind" :(
congrats on the team blue!! and glad the scan went well! :cheer:
Congrats hun, Personally i'd be delighted to have another boy next, boys are the best! I think people just imagine that everyone wants a boy and girl xxx
congratulations on team blue, just ignore the negativity people just dont know what to say sometimes so they just open there mouth and verbal diorreah comes out :rotfl:
we get it all the time hun we have 1 boy each with different partners 2 boys so far together and just found out we are having another 2 boys which makes 6 boys between us and no girls everyone is so sorry for us that we are not having a girl we are not at all bothered we are just pleased that all seems well and they are growing fine :D as long as they are ok we dont give a jot if they are boys or girls xxxxxxx

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