surge of hormones!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I think I've had a massive surge of hormones, I'm so emotional at the moment it's ridiculous!!

I walked past the Guildhall in Northampton on Friday on the way for lunch with OH and there was a wedding going on - the bride arrived in a limo and it was full of girls whooping and cheering and I just burst into tears! It seemed like just a massive amount of happiness, and it completely overwhelmed me.....then yesterday I had to pull over in the car because a song on the radio made me cry, and today I've had two good cries - one over a dream about giving birth and the doctors trying to steal the baby and one because I don't like the name that OH is dead set on for a boy :( How can I control myself? I'm a blubbering wreck lol! I've got to get my BP checked in half an hour, I'll probably cry if that's not OK too! Anyone else feeling like this?!
haha love it. Im super hormonal too. Im convinced OH doesnt love me anymore even though I have absolutely no reason to think like this, Im just feeling miserable and sorry for myself! Im also slightly scary, and having lots of tantrums! My hormones have definately changed the past few days!! No idea how we can keep them under control tho...I think just hope that it means things are getting ready for birth.... but dont think that if the thought overwhelms you with joy and makes you cry ;)
well, I didn't cry in front of the midwife so that's one thing I guess, although if she'd I had to go to the hospital again I think I'd have had a breakdown!

Glad I'm not the only one who's an emotional rollercoaster!!
I've not been a very tearful pregnant woman - I tend to just snap at OH for anything and everything he could've possibly done wrong. He keeps telling me i'm right nasty to him - which in theory he's right but I don't mean it! :-(
The day I had E I woke up crying! My hormones were defo in overdrive!! I think in the last few weeks everythin just goes crazy!
I can so relate to the whole hormones thing!!

Friday was a really bad day, everything went wrong, (washing machine broke, playgroup called to ask me to collect my 3 yo as she'd had the runs and been sick, and I'd got really bad back ache) and I alternated between tears and wanting to beat someone up. Poor hubby got the brunt of it - I even called him out of a meeting at work to tell him that he hadn't loaded the dishwasher correctly that morning!

However, on Saturday I was sweetness and light personified, supermum and supersexy (oK, maybe not) all rolled into one. And I made it up to hubby (3 times!!:lol:)
hehe, thats so funny about calling him out of a meeting. I nearly called OH at work today cos he put another clean teatowel in the wash like he thinks Im some kind of endless laundry service. Fortunately my mum rang at that time and I was calmer after I got off the phone! :)
Yep my hormones are all over the place had a right breakdown last week and am a stroppy mooo! Even had an argument with OH on his 50th and we rarey argue - mind you nan had dies day before which i think had something to do with my unstable mind frame! Will be glad when i'm on an even keel again - hate mood swings!

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