Support needed - help me wait


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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I made a promise to myself not to test before my AF is late. This means I need to wait until Sunday morning. This is only a few days away yet I am finding myself desperate to test. Please help me wait? Any tips on distracting myself? You would have thought that doing all the stuff for moving house would help but not even that is enough.
Hiya Hun :wave:

Im in the same boat as you - either due on tomorrow or Saturday and today I feel rotten and Im sat here at home wondering if too go out and get some tests!!! :wall:

I dont have any willpower!!!

Kate xx
Be strong... not like me, i have no willpower! Good luck :hug:
Thanks - doesn't help that I have 2 tests waiting at home that I could use...

Same as you I am due either tomorrow or Saturday, as I am normally 26 or 27 days. I think I must have got something wrong on my ticker. Am I counting my cycle length correctly. My AF before last started on the 4th August, my next one started on the 31st August. I make that 27 days am I counting correctly?

My last AF was on the 2nd September and Im on CD24 today! So that would make you on CD 26 today as you were two days before me!

Hope that makes sense :hug:

I chart so it makes it a bit easier to know where I am in my cycle!

Have you had any symptons?

Kate x
OK this means I have my cycle length a day too long.

Thanks for that. Not sure, I did get some brown spotting, at 5 days after I thought I OV'd but that was earlier than the ticker thing reckoned. If I did OV when the ticker reckoned my chances aren't great as hubby was ill then so BD's was off the cards. However due to CM and cramps I thought I OV'd sooner. I don't know.
Thanks Sammy, glad I am not alone in feeling like this :)

I did test early last month but that was on my birthday, so I can't make that excuse to myself this month. Hubby was telling me as we are just "seeing what happens" this time (yeah right!) I don't need to bother with testing at all. I have put him straight on the last point, and on the first point, he doesn't need to know that I am recording / checking the dates etc, looking for other symptons etc etc.
Good luck hun :hug:

Keep us posted and so will I :D

Kate x
If it's a cheap test why not? if it's a dear test hold off :wave:

Dont test early like I did, I was due AF on the Wed and tested on the Sunday and got a BFN and was on such a downer.....then Wed did another one and was positive!!!! Just goes to show that testing early doesnt always give accurate results so be warned. Better to wait for the day of testing and not waste a preggo test!

Good luck xxx
Easier said than done, Jaidy - I tested with a FRER this morning, got a BFN and now am kicking myself that I used one of my 'good' tests :lol: :lol: when I have a drawer full of cheapies!

Good luck Nicky and MrsH - fingers crossed AF doesn't visit any of us for the next 9 months!
I'm thankful that I'm on holiday as of Sat, no early testing for me this month, I certainly aint taking tests on hols with me :lol:
Emma79 said:
Easier said than done, Jaidy - I tested with a FRER this morning, got a BFN and now am kicking myself that I used one of my 'good' tests :lol: :lol: when I have a drawer full of cheapies!

Good luck Nicky and MrsH - fingers crossed AF doesn't visit any of us for the next 9 months!

Oh dear Emma...that sounds just like I was! Lol.

Remember its not over till the witch comes :hug:
Jaidy said:
Emma79 said:
Easier said than done, Jaidy - I tested with a FRER this morning, got a BFN and now am kicking myself that I used one of my 'good' tests :lol: :lol: when I have a drawer full of cheapies!

Good luck Nicky and MrsH - fingers crossed AF doesn't visit any of us for the next 9 months!

Oh dear Emma...that sounds just like I was! Lol.

Remember its not over till the witch comes :hug:

Thanks hun x

Snuggle - have a fantastic holiday and hope you come back to a BFP :D

though i can talk, i am due af either tomorrow (looking unlikely) or next fri!!!! and i tested a few days ago which i think was 3dpo :oops: i know , i need my wrists slapping.
antonia said:

:rotfl: That really made me laugh. In fact (more sympton spotting again), I feel almost euphoric (sp?) today. I normally get PMT, the few days before AF, and tend to be really snappy, depressed and stressed. I feel on top of the world, laughing my head of at banter in the office far more than normal. Has anybody else had that? I really don't feel like I am just about to start AF which is expected today or tomorrow. Not really got any other symptons to speak of, but then I didn't with Ellie - again when I was PG with Ellie I just had a really good feeling. I am going to be SO upset if AF does not turn up! Trying not get too hopeful.
I think we need an underground secret 2ww symptom spotting and testing thread where we can talk to our hearts content and test without fear :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lock those tests away in a little cash safe and give a friend the key!!!! :lol:
$$£%$W$E£%$£% The witch has arrived!!! I can't believe it. I am so gutted.

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