Support from my OH


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Since ive come off the pill, ive been so tired, moody and generally under the weather. All these symptoms have gone mostly now. My OH has been so supportive, i dont know how he has put up with me. Hes always very positive and knows the right thing to say.
I know its no really a thread directly to ttc but i wanted to tell everyone how much i love him and appricate everything he does.
Hes desperate for another baby, i just hope sometime soon i can give him another bundle of joy :) x x

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ahh thats lovely mummy2adam! i know how you feel - i was a nightmare after coming off the pill and my OH has also been amazing. Arent we lucky girls?! I should think about it more often - im desperate for a baby but im lucky to have my OH xx
Aww isn't that sweet :)

My husband has been pretty good with my moods and treating him like some lab rat and turning what used to be raunchy sex into a scientific experiment - he's taking it all in his stride and being supportive.

Ain't we lucky ;)
He sounds like an amazing person hun and has the best attitude towards you TTC..... like you I have had days when I have been a complete She Devil towards my hubby but he just gives me that much needed cuddle we all need when AF arrives or we are having a low day. I cant wait to give him a son or a daughter .... just hope its sooner rather then later x
That's lovely - I think we are all very lucky to have supportive OHs! x
We are all very lucky ladies :) x x

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Yes, I do feel I should add something here - my DH does pretty much all the cooking, all the cleaning, and looks after me and I just make mess, create clutter, lie on the bed when he's just made it, that sort of thing. I am really not sure what he's getting out of our relationship as i am grumpy every morning til lunch time and often work late in my study ignoring him and forgetting to say thank you when he brings me wonderful food. Did i mention he's also a full time chef? How did i get such an amazing man. And he's rather good looking! Still bemused by it, and thrilled he married me really........
I think they all need a well deserved treat, but what??! x x

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aww thats really sweet :) hope you get your bfp xx
I think they all need a well deserved treat, but what??! x x

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Sexy underwear? BJ ;-) (not mine though, he's not a fan)

I think some ideas of how to reward them is a good idea, and am open to suggestions here! xxxx
deffo we need to reward them! my OH is the same starfish... does all the cooking, cleaning, shopping etc im so spoilt - only every now and again i catch him sweeping the floor with no top on (phwoar!) it hits me and i hope im not taking him for granted!! x
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Brazillian wax ladies.... my hubby was a dribbiling wreck when I suprised him with mine!!!
Brazillian wax ladies.... my hubby was a dribbiling wreck when I suprised him with mine!!!

I keep bottling out of waxing lol

I would love to get something like that done - but i don't want the wax lady who looks about 16 years old with perfect make and perfect hair seeing my flabby arse :oooo:
Ahh I lost all sense of modisty a long time ago..I think after you have had as many smear tests as me dropping yah pants in front of a complete stranger just comes naturally LOL

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