

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Hi Everyone,

I found out last week that I am pregnant with my second child. I am only 5 weeks and I am unsure when to inform my boss. The only people who know about the wonderful news are my husband and my parents. I seem to be a lot more wary and cautious about this pregnancy - I think this is because my first pregnancy and birth was an amazing experience and I guess this time I am expecting all of the morning sickness and 20 hour labour!! (dramatic I know!!)

I am not usually supersticious but I dont want to tell people until after my first scan. Howeve, I feel like I should let my boss know in case something happens in work and I have to rush off etc. I am worried though that if I tell her she will let it slip to other colleagues. She is also a really good friend of mine and I know that she finds it quite hard to hold her own water at times! Am I just being silly about the whole 12 week thing??
Hiya and welcoe to the forum .

I would advise telling you boss as you said its best incase something happens.

I cant really say anything about the whole 12 weeks thing as i told everyone i knew at about 4 or 5 weeks .

I think it depend on the person and there partner how they want to handle things and as to weather they can keep quite .

Good luck with whatever you decide and look forward to seeing you around :)
that desision is down to you hun. If you feel you should then tell her.

It is a very personal desision. I do understand you reason that if something does happen then its best she knows but at the end of the day hun its your choice.

I wasnt going to mention it to my boss till i had had my first scan but i had a scare and told her. If she told your colleagues would you mind? It does make it harder the fact she is a good friend.

The first 12weeks is a big milestone (well fot me it is and personal i didnt want to tell anyone till after my scan) but like i say its your desision hun do whats right for you.
Good luck and let us know how you get on :hug: :hug:
Hi Honey,Congrats on the news!!!
Like Tracey said, it is highly personal, depending on your boss. My boss is very supportive and very professional. I could trust her with anything. I told her both times I was pregnant and I am glad I did. It helped explain everything when I had appointments etc and when things sadly went wrong.
Really depends on you.
Good luck with the pregnancy.
having had 3 MCs I haven't even told my OH yet, just you girls and My best friend who was there when I did the test and when I MCed last time.
it's not so much superstition as fear from being prone to MC.
I am going to tell everyone when I have had my 12wk Scan with little cards with a copy of the scan pic in them :)
i think it depends on what job you do, if its a job that involves you to do heavy lifting then maybe you should say something, unless you can really avoid not doing it
congratulations !

it i a personal choice, i have told a few close people but will wait till about 12 weeks i think to tell people at work.

good luck
I told my boss the morning that I knew, and as it was seen as a Personnel matter (which it obviously is) then he would get well in trouble if others found out through him. He told the Personnel department who are good friends of mine and they are in the same situation - if its about your personal circumstances then nobody needs to find out.

I was 6 weeks then, and my boss kept a mental note in his head that I would probably be having random snack breaks and wouldn't carry anything heavy and it's really helped.

The rest of the office I'll tell them once I've had the scan, as the people that do know would be supportive if the worst was to happen, and I wouldn't have to explain myself and lack of belly to people in the office I wouldn't usually speak to.
I had the same dilemma as my boss can't hold water either.... However i told him as i work with some hazardous chemicals so felt I had to for health and safety, and he didn't tell anyone else. (they aren't allowed anyway)

He's also been fantastic since my M/C. Again hasn't mentioned my time off, or why, to anyone (and I work with the nosiest people). I guess it just shows that some people exceed your expectations when you really need them.
I wanted to be able to wait until 12 week scan but I can't hold my water to save my life, I was just so amazed we were pregnant and I think I felt it would be better if my friends knew so that if anything does go wrong I will have their support etc. It's really a personal choice with regards to telling friends but unless your boss needs to know I don't think you should tell her x
It's really a personal decision you should make based on your own situation. If the job you do is in any way hazardous then you probably should tell someone of authority.

On the other hand, if it's not, and you want to keep your pregnancy a secret for a while longer, there's no rules to say you MUST tell. The legal requirement is to advise your employers before 25 weeks. :)

I have kept my news a secret now for 9 weeks. The longer I go along the harder it seems to tell them! I will obviously have to but I know the news will spread (regardless of confidentiality). I like having my secret. :wink:

Thanks for all the advice. I work in IT so I basically sit behind a desk all day. During my last pregnancy, at about 10 weeks I had a pretty big scare and luckily I had told my boss (from previous job) and was able to dash to the hospital.

Im not sure if I will be able to keep it a secret until 12 weeks as I already have a protruding pop belly!! People must think I have really let myself go since xmas!!

Im thinking that I should leave it a couple of weeks more and see how I feel then. Im not really suffering from morning sickness yet (I didnt with my first either really) so I can get away with it for a while longer.

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