Superdrug tests


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
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I have seen a lot of people highly recommending Suoerdrugs own brand tests.

However I've read a lot of negative reviews too talking about false positives being very common with them, including their digital one.

My personal experience is I've had 3 BFPs all with Superdrug tests including the digital but am now understanding I am not pregnant, and feel really let down and upset.

I understand for many they'll use these and be pregnant but it seems a majority are actually getting their hopes up for nothing.

Im interested in hearing others experiences with these tests.

I have seen a lot of people highly recommending Suoerdrugs own brand tests.

However I've read a lot of negative reviews too talking about false positives being very common with them, including their digital one.

My personal experience is I've had 3 BFPs all with Superdrug tests including the digital but am now understanding I am not pregnant, and feel really let down and upset.

I understand for many they'll use these and be pregnant but it seems a majority are actually getting their hopes up for nothing.

Im interested in hearing others experiences with these tests.


Ignore the majority of what you read about the false positives. The only way to get them is by hcg being present in your urine which is usually only with pregnancy. There are a few other reasons like medication, blood in the urine, cancer etc.

What is important to remember with these tests is that they are 10miu. This means they can pick up hcg before implantation has completed sometimes, certainly before af is due. Now, remember that 50% of all fertilised eggs will fail to be viable pregnancies. So, 50% of women getting early positives on these tests will end up getting negatives later on and bleeding on or around the af due date. So, lots of these women think they just got af and were never pregnant and blame a test for giving a false positive. The only reason test strip will change colour is in the presence of hcg.

So, if you have hcg, the test strip with have colour and you are either pregnant at that time or it's (very very rarely) due to another medical reason.

If you've had colour in your tests, even faint, you were pregnant, but with 50/50 odds, it's a high risk and if you then get negatives and bleeding, you most likely suffered a chemical pregnancy. It happened to me last month. I've done loads of these tests and when they went negative, there was not even a hint of a faint line at all.

Now, evap lines are a different matter. I don't truly believe they happen that much but I do think it's possible to get water lines, where the test strip is shadowy due to being wet..but will look grey. Fir an evap, the test has to be dry.

I do see a few tests that people call positive but have suffered dye run and I think any dye run test should be disregarded.

Bottom line, if you have colour, you have hcg and the test has worked as that's all it is designed to do...pick up hcg. So you're either pregnant or need to get checked over but, if you get coloured lines and then negatives, it's unlikely an underlying issue as if it were, the hcg would remain.

I like testing early as even though I know there's a 50% chance I'll lose it if I catch, It comforts me to know I can conceive. If it's too hard to know you've had a chemical, probably best not to test until after a missed period.

It's not even really about what I's just fairly basic chemistry which doesn't lie.

Fx you get a sticky bean soon xx
That's a fab response and really detailed.

I find it so interesting there seems to be a lot of reviews claiming false positives with the Superdrug digital test.

I got a very definite digital positive about 6.30pm Friday and a very definite digital negative (same brand test) with FMU the very best day.

No bleeding yet so assume just waiting for AF now. Currently 8 days late

That's a fab response and really detailed.

I find it so interesting there seems to be a lot of reviews claiming false positives with the Superdrug digital test.

I got a very definite digital positive about 6.30pm Friday and a very definite digital negative (same brand test) with FMU the very best day.

No bleeding yet so assume just waiting for AF now. Currently 8 days late


Af took a week to arrive for me and I got the same with pos then neg on other tests. I kept doing superdrugs to keep a check on things. I swear by them now as they got steadily fainter through the week and went negative the day I got a positive opk. By the way, unexpectedly, I only did an opk as got ewcm on cd8 after a 36 hour period of spotting (hoped I was still pregnant). The ewcm made question that so I took an opk on cd9 that was pos. On cd10 an opk was negative so that's when I ovulated. Much earlier in the cycle than I normally would pays to keep an eye on your cm and listen to your body.

We dtd on cd8, just that once this cycle and I'm pregnant again...conceieved literally a week after the mc/chemical.

Fx you get a sticky soon but trust your body and listen to it as much as you listen to tests. Xx
That's a fab response and really detailed.

I find it so interesting there seems to be a lot of reviews claiming false positives with the Superdrug digital test.

I got a very definite digital positive about 6.30pm Friday and a very definite digital negative (same brand test) with FMU the very best day.

No bleeding yet so assume just waiting for AF now. Currently 8 days late


Af took a week to arrive for me and I got the same with pos then neg on other tests. I kept doing superdrugs to keep a check on things. I swear by them now as they got steadily fainter through the week and went negative the day I got a positive opk. By the way, unexpectedly, I only did an opk as got ewcm on cd8 after a 36 hour period of spotting (hoped I was still pregnant). The ewcm made question that so I took an opk on cd9 that was pos. On cd10 an opk was negative so that's when I ovulated. Much earlier in the cycle than I normally would pays to keep an eye on your cm and listen to your body.

We dtd on cd8, just that once this cycle and I'm pregnant again...conceieved literally a week after the mc/chemical.

Fx you get a sticky soon but trust your body and listen to it as much as you listen to tests. Xx

Are the ovulation kits good? This whole being late scenario makes it tricky knowing when you are ovulating etc. Would you reccomened?

This is TMI but I have felt quite 'open' the last few days to a week and my CM has been sticky white, and now a stick creamish/pale yellow.

I'm learning a lot really so not sure what everything means.

Egg white
Back to dry

That is the basic cycle with wet being fertile but egg white being peak fertility. You should still dtdt in the day or two after egg white to be sure.

I've had a total bfn on a superdrug this morning after a definite bfp yesterday so to the people who I see saying these tests ALWAYS give some type of line, they don't.

Gutted...waiting on af now.
I have seen a lot of people highly recommending Suoerdrugs own brand tests.

However I've read a lot of negative reviews too talking about false positives being very common with them, including their digital one.

My personal experience is I've had 3 BFPs all with Superdrug tests including the digital but am now understanding I am not pregnant, and feel really let down and upset.

I understand for many they'll use these and be pregnant but it seems a majority are actually getting their hopes up for nothing.

Im interested in hearing others experiences with these tests.


Ignore the majority of what you read about the false positives. The only way to get them is by hcg being present in your urine which is usually only with pregnancy. There are a few other reasons like medication, blood in the urine, cancer etc.

What is important to remember with these tests is that they are 10miu. This means they can pick up hcg before implantation has completed sometimes, certainly before af is due. Now, remember that 50% of all fertilised eggs will fail to be viable pregnancies. So, 50% of women getting early positives on these tests will end up getting negatives later on and bleeding on or around the af due date. So, lots of these women think they just got af and were never pregnant and blame a test for giving a false positive. The only reason test strip will change colour is in the presence of hcg.

So, if you have hcg, the test strip with have colour and you are either pregnant at that time or it's (very very rarely) due to another medical reason.

If you've had colour in your tests, even faint, you were pregnant, but with 50/50 odds, it's a high risk and if you then get negatives and bleeding, you most likely suffered a chemical pregnancy. It happened to me last month. I've done loads of these tests and when they went negative, there was not even a hint of a faint line at all.

Now, evap lines are a different matter. I don't truly believe they happen that much but I do think it's possible to get water lines, where the test strip is shadowy due to being wet..but will look grey. Fir an evap, the test has to be dry.

I do see a few tests that people call positive but have suffered dye run and I think any dye run test should be disregarded.

Bottom line, if you have colour, you have hcg and the test has worked as that's all it is designed to do...pick up hcg. So you're either pregnant or need to get checked over but, if you get coloured lines and then negatives, it's unlikely an underlying issue as if it were, the hcg would remain.

I like testing early as even though I know there's a 50% chance I'll lose it if I catch, It comforts me to know I can conceive. If it's too hard to know you've had a chemical, probably best not to test until after a missed period.

It's not even really about what I's just fairly basic chemistry which doesn't lie.

Fx you get a sticky bean soon xx

I have had a BFP with Superdrug tests before and I wasn't pregnant. I put one test under the tap and got a BFP on that test. Clearly no HCG in my tap water.
I'm worried now. I used the superdrug early test after getting a faint line on frer. It wasnt the digital test but i has 2 very strong lines
I've never tried their digital ones, only used clear blue digis, but again Superdrug's reviews

This actually makes me so angry to see

Makes me angry too.

I understand there will be occasions when unfortunately for one reason or another a test may produce a false positive, but from what I understand an actual false positive is very rare. It seems from these reviews it's actually very common when using the Superdrug tests.

I bought the Superdrug tests from reading such glowing reports on this forum, a lot of user have all declared they're by far the best tests on the market & being in my first cycle TTC, I had no knowledge of what was the best.

I've had 3 false positives with them, including using their digital one. There was no mistaking it gave me an absolute positive result. Every other test on the market including FRER, Clear Blue, Boots own, Asda's own, Freedom etc etc have given me a negative both before and after getting my 3 BFPs with Superdrug.

I'm so disappointed, obviously at the fact I'm not pregnant but also because I've been allowed to get my hopes up; get my partner's hopes up and all for a big fat nothing.

Don't get me wrong, it is only my first cycle TTC and I understand many ladies here have been trying a lot longer and faced a lot more heartbreak along the way but, with so many negative reviews I'm annoyed companies are allowed to continue marketing the product.

How many other women take these as accurate and don't further test, only to find out much further down the line they're not pregnant. I'm so sad I've since had negatives but equally pleased to have found out the truth before really setting in thinking I was creating new life.

I've still not had my AF, so also worried there is something else wrong now.

I definitely won't be using a Superdrug again. :shakehead:
I'm worried now. I used the superdrug early test after getting a faint line on frer. It wasnt the digital test but i has 2 very strong lines

If you've had a BFP with a FRER then I wouldn't worry too much, from what I see they are reliable and trusted.

I've had 2 BFPs using the pink dye superdrug tests, and 1 BFP using a superdrug digital but all other tests including FRER have most definitely been negative for me. Even the 2nd superdrug digital was negative for me.
Then there is the test gallery here:

Some do turn out to be positives though but not all :(

I might write to Superdrug, even after finally getting a natural bfp seeing a faint line on last my ivf cycle was crushing. All their tests need revising or something!!

It is crushing. Regardless of the individuals circumstances and positive that turns out to not be a pregnancy is crushing, but it just seems wrong when there seems to be many people given the same negative reviews.

Agree with you, they need to revise their tests as something is clearly not right.
long term ttcer or short term ttcer a false test when you want a baby is not something you want to see

I wrote to them but with those negative reviews up there already it's unlikely they'll pay attention
Then there is the test gallery here:

Some do turn out to be positives though but not all :(

I might write to Superdrug, even after finally getting a natural bfp seeing a faint line on last my ivf cycle was crushing. All their tests need revising or something!!

I did and they told me to take it back to the shop for a full refund. Yes, because that will make seeing 2 lines better won't it :roll:
Then there is the test gallery here:

Some do turn out to be positives though but not all :(

I might write to Superdrug, even after finally getting a natural bfp seeing a faint line on last my ivf cycle was crushing. All their tests need revising or something!!

I did and they told me to take it back to the shop for a full refund. Yes, because that will make seeing 2 lines better won't it :roll:

That's awful!!!
I got lines on these too but bfn on frer! The old ones used to be so good but heard so many bad things about the new omes x
But as GG said earlier, 50 % of early pregnancies end, infact im sure I read 70% recently.
So with that given, you could anticipate that with early testing, many women could get positive tests but then not go on to proceed with the pregnancy.
Do I want the option to know then? Well personally yes, I want there to be the option to find out sooner.
Maybe the tests should offer more information regarding statistics.

I dont believe the tests are necessarily inaccurate if done properly.
I have had all shades of line at early stages, plus completely negative.xx
But as GG said earlier, 50 % of early pregnancies end, infact im sure I read 70% recently.
So with that given, you could anticipate that with early testing, many women could get positive tests but then not go on to proceed with the pregnancy.
Do I want the option to know then? Well personally yes, I want there to be the option to find out sooner.
Maybe the tests should offer more information regarding statistics.

I dont believe the tests are necessarily inaccurate if done properly.
I have had all shades of line at early stages, plus completely negative.xx

That doesn't explain my clear tap BFP though. It was the best line I had got on all of them ironically :lol:

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