super sad


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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So two weeks ago J was in hospital overnight with potential dehydration as he had been projectile vomiting for days. He seemed to get better however this morning when i woke him up i realised his bed sheets were drenched. I gave him some food and he vomited it up and hes just been getting worse and worse and worse. We would say hes kept about 9fl oz down all day and hes even bringing up solids now.....nothing is staying in at all. He again has had dry nappies. I have a carrier bag full of sodden clothes and cloths from clearing it up....its drenched my clothes my dressing gown, hes been through 4 sleepsuits since 7 as he has soaked them. I just cant describe how much of the stuff there is. Called the out of hrs dr as wer worried it could be a digestive problem. Otherwise hes probably just susceptible to tummy bugs........ its just rediculous......on top of that he has an infection in both eyes.....

Grrrr....sophie x
Just had a call....its a stomach bug. They said over the phone. Im soooooo irritated. I dont want him to be ill at all but the sheer quantity of stuff coming out of him was phenomenal....
Really hope that he fells better soon

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oh no poor thing. really hope he gets better soon x
Oh no! Poor mite :( hope he feels better soon x
Oh bless him! There's so Many bugs going around ATM! Hope he's better soon x x
Poor little boy, hope he is better soon x
Have you tried giving him Dioralyte? My GP told me to give it to zac when he had a tummy bug to keep him hydrated and replace lost nutrients x
oh might try that thanks! he got sent home from nursery today for projectile vomiting all his food all over a woman (it wasnt the woman part but the vomiting part :p) and has currently been asleep since about 12.45. Im so worried about him. He hasnt had anything since 7 am. .......... nursery said they dont htink its a bug as they have seen bugs and normally they would expect it to be coming from both so so worried.....
:hug: oh hun, Morgan was like this a few weeks back and Ive only just got on top of the laundry today :( I hope that he recovers soon. My doc advised me to just give clear fluids (boiled water) as it doesnt matter if they go a few days without food/milk but they must get the water.
Sorry to ask a tmi question but.... Is he still only taking milk and if so is it this that he is bringing up? What colour is it? Milk colour? Ting of green?
Hope he gets better soon xx

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Well, he's having pureed foos (veg) and milk. He's started bringing everything up. Absolutely everything. He's just been sick again and it had a tinge of green like the colour of snot but he had kiwi for lunch which could potentially be the cause. Its only been the last few days he's started bringing solid up but like all the solid.... Rhen it ges to whatever milk/water he had etc......
:hug: Its awful seeing them so sick, I can imagine it must be so hard after he was in hospital last time. Id seriously lay off the food, and just focus on keeping him hydrated. And if you do feed him avoid anything orange, I have an orange puddle on my cream rug thanks to sweet potatoe :roll:
Can he not keep anything down at all? Can u ring NHS direct for a second opinion? If they say the same as the doc then there's no harm done. Hope he is ok soon xxx
When charley was in hospital, they recommended some milk that keeps them hydrated. Not sure what it's called though but it's meant to help when their sick like this
Ill look online chaz..... Thanks for that!!! Thanks for all your advice girls!!! No he's kept nothing down at all really!! X

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