Suddenly not sleeping!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Paige used to be so good at night, just waking up once at around 5am. She had her injections about 2 weeks ago and it really got to her, but she managed to get her sleeping back and she was going bed dead on 7pm and waking between 3:30am - 5am.

I dont know what happened! The past few nights shes been waking up every hour and a half, if not less from midnight. She doesn't want food, she just wakes up crying and its difficult for her to get back to sleep. I dont know why shes crying :( Sometimes it sounds like shes in pain but I cant think why. I did wonder if maybe she was teething...but is it not a bit young? She's eating fabulously, and today shes been great with her naps (Im teaching her to self settle) but I cant function on an hour or 2 here and there sleep.

Ive also heard of the 3/4 month sleep regression, but I thought they just randomly woke up or wanted food. She just seems distressed. Im at a loss. Could it be worth giving her a teenie bit of calpol tonight and seeing if it helps? I was in tears feeding her this morning :( Im so tired and so is she.
After her injections liv had calpol for a few days and went fine again it's up to you but I'd give it a go hun x

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I gave her calpol in the morning and evening for about 3/4 after she had her injections and then she was ok. I think I might try it. Wish babies could speak. Then we could help them. Just feel a bit useless really.
Awww Hun! I know it sounds stupid but is there any chance she could be too hot/cold? I constantly have heating on and Emily cries when she gets too hot!!
Well I thought this. I wondered if se was too cold, as her hands are like ice when she wakes up. But I have her in a sleeping bag, with her pjs and a short sleeve vest under it. Sometimes I put the blanket over her as well. Urgh. Trial and error I think :( Ive given her a lavender massage just now and shes nice and tired so Im going to take her up in a second. But shes fine going to sleep, shes fantastic at bedtime :) but its around midnight onwards. Right...Im not giving her calpol...tonight I shall try differnt covers and using scratch mittens :)
She goes to bed very early?? Do you think that could be a part of it? I think if I put Emily to bed that early she would wake up in the night too. She goes at about 7.30 and is also fab at bedtime! She is like her mummy and likes her sleep :)

Hope she sleeps a bit better for you tonight, it's so hard surviving on little sleep isn't it?? X
She used to go bed at 8, but it got moved forward when the clocks changed and if I kept her awake even by 10 minutes all hell breaks loose. Shes a creature of habbit. It took me ages to move her feed time later because she just kept waking at exactly the same time everynight, but wasnt hungry. Shes gone 7pm - 5/6am easily just went belly up around her injection time :( Im an early bird so like getting up around that time, but just wouldnt mind not wakin gup 6 times before that lol.

Shes spent the past half hour or so coughing and sneezing and sounds a bit congested so I gave her some calpol. My dads been quite ill so she might have got a bit of it.
I take her upstairs at half 6 or quater to 7 though, as it calms her down and we do a little wind down, sometimes read a book ect.
poor little paige! she must be feeling poorly :( esp if she is waking and not wanting food. Calpol does work wonders Xxx
She slept so well last night. She woke at 4:15am for her feed as usual and was a teenie bit warm (not reallty a temp tho) and was snuffly so I gave her another 25ml of calpol and she slept until 8am. Shes been a bit tired and moody today but shes getting lots of cuddles. Sleeping deffinatly helped her last night I think.

Im going to give her more calpol before bed to soothe her and see how she is. So glad shes sleeping again. I dont mind waking up at 4am...lets face it, thats 9 hours straight shes doing! :)
just caught up with this. morgan did it too. he slept through for 10 days then it all fell apart! he wakes and i just settle him and he goes back to sleep so hes not hungry. ive started popping a dummy in his mouth which i didnt want to do cos he cries when it falls out now :doh:
Luckily Paige has got back into a great routine again BUT she has her injections next its probably going to go out the window!

Shes stopped waking up for her dummy now *crosses fingers* and sleeps from 7- 5:30 which is lovely, but its a mission to get her back to sleep after that so she gets in my bed and we have morning naps together :) As long as she sleeps a big long sleep in her bed I dont mind her getting in mine in the morning. She'll do it when shes older anyway!

Poor Morgan waking up. Lets hope he gets himself back into a beautiful routine. :yay:
just wanted to say i sooo feel ya hun.
i have similar issues. she goes to bed at 7 and nothing wakes her. then afer midnights its a bit hit n miss. really random, somenights she will sleep till 3 or even 4, others she will wake up about half 12. she just sounds uncomfy like it might be wind. i sometimes give her a dummy and she goes back to sleep, or i turn her over (she sleeps on her side) and also i put her in bed with my in the mornings too if its after 4am and i dont think she will go back to sleep in her own us both some sleep and like u i dont mind if she gets used to sleeping with me if its only in the mornings, quite nice isnt it! do you let paige have her head on the pillow?? i do x
Last night was odd! She woke up at 10pm....10?! She hasnt had a feed at 10pm since she was about 2/3 weeks old. But she was screaming and had 6oz, so I thought right...she'll sleep well. She then woke up at half 4 for a further 8oz!!! Then slept until 8. I put her to bed at half 7 tonight to see if theres any difference and shes been stiring since. Urgh.

When I put her in my bed Ill lay the duvet on the bed then shove a pillow in the gap between the bed and the wall and put Paige next to it and Ill go under the covers. I put all the pillows under my head so shes just lying flat. I quite like the morning sleep :) I cant remember the last time I had a proper full nights sleep lol.
Perhaps it is an age thing, Cahal's sleeping patterns gone right out the window too - he was sleeping from 7pm til 3am then through til 7am after a feed but is now back to waking every 3 hours on the dot...I thought it was his jabs that did it but they were last thursday and he seems perfectly content with this new sleeping pattern of his....grrrrr.....

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