Sudden surprise!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2007
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hi all! just to let you all know my baby boy was born lastnight
12 and a half weeks early so very early but hes in special baby care
being well looked after only went to the hospital for a check up because
i was having severe pains which were actual contractions they tried
tablets to stop the contractions but they did not work got to hospital at 3pm and had my baby at 22.52 and we named him Corey James.
Awww congratulations! How is he doing? Hiw much did he weigh?

I wish you both the best :hug: :cheer: :hug:
Wow :eek: Bet that was a shock for you hun. Hope your both o.k, i have a freind who had both her boys at 27 and 29 weeks and they are 2 and 4 now. :D
congratulations! i hope you and baby are doing well hun xxx
Wow! :shock: What a delightful shock for you. Glad you and your little one are ok.

It's just occured to me that I have only 12 weeks to go and I can't imagine having my baby now so I can't imagine what you're feeling now.

Congratulations, can't wait to see a picture!
good grief that must have been a surprise.

Hope he gains weight quickly so he came come home to you soon.

Talk about a surprise delivery! I have about 10 weeks left and I can't imagine having Aimee right now!
Congratulations and hope he is doing well! :hug:
Awwwww :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Big surprise for you. I'm sure he's getting the best care in there

Lovely name you've chosen also :)

Congratulations :hug: :hug: Glad you and he are both doing ok.
:shock: didnt expect to read that congratulations. My sisters little boy was born 2.5 months early weighing just 2lb 9oz and his name is Corey David and he's doing brilliantly now. He is now a year and a few months old so don't worry too much about your LO as i'm sure he'll be just fine.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh wow! Congratulations. I hope he continues to do well! At least you weren't sent to Huntingdon to have him like I was - that would have been awful in your case with the early labour!
Congratulations hunny :cheer:
hope your home with your new little bundle :hug:

sarah :hug: :wave:
Wow, Congratulations on your little impatient MR.
I hope he's doing well and i hope you get to bring him home soon.

All the best, keep us updated on your ikkle man xxx
congratulations!!! what a lovely name as well
Wow, hope everything is ok, and congratulations!
Hope you and baby are doing well xx congrats xx
Wow, he was impatient! Congratulations and hope he thrives. Let us know more when you can xx

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