Successful sweep stories


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2016
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Does anyone have any? I'm feeling rather deflated after a completely unsuccessful one today at 40 weeks. I feel like I'm heading towards induction and cesarean and my body doesn't know what to do! Xx
My son was born naturally without induction after my 2nd sweep with him (2 weeks late no induction or intervention). My daughter was born the day after my 2nd sweep but I was in latent labour with her already! And I had a drip after 34hrs of labour with her which was painful. I'd definitely go c section or epidural rather than that drip again.
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I had a sweep at 39 weeks exactly and went into labour and had her 2 days later. When she done the sweep the midwife did say she could feel the head and I was already 2cms x
With my son I had 2 failed sweeps - she couldn't even reach my cervix let alone get a finger in! I still went into labour naturally at 40+9 and had my son at 40+10.

With my daughter I had a sweep on the Thursday. Had a show on the Friday afternoon and was irregularly contracting overnight. I gave birth to her Saturday afternoon, two hours after my second sweep.

I really hope that your bubs comes soon hun.

I haven't been offered one yet. I'm seeing the midwife at 40+6, so maybe she will ask then.

Ery, I'm against interventions in general, but if I really needed to be induced then I'm not sure if I'd go for it or ask for a c section. I'd really like those hormone surges after giving birth, but I don't want to end up with a painful induction, eventually followed by c section!
Thanks for your replies. It's good to know it can happen. I feel like nothing is happening at all, since the sweep I've had no pains, no show, nothing. I'm so so swollen today I can hardly bend my fingers at all! I just want baby here so I know they are ok and I can start healing. Xx
Book in for reflexology ......there's real science behind it bringing on labour. I had it on my due date, as well as a sweep and he came same day! But I was already having irregular contractions. Worth a go xx ��
With induction they will iffer a pessary first which can kick things off but take a while but if you're already dilated they will offer to break waters that's about ad natural as it gets they did that with my son and it was fine it's just the drip that's so painful I have a high pain threshold. I get migraines 2 3 times a week I have strong ibs cramps I've broken my toe and my big toes dislocate (I managed to dislocate my big toe during a dance exam whilst holding the crab position for 1min during another girls solo section then continue the dance and the examiner didn't know until I limped off stage) so I thought id be able to handle it.... I only just did if it went on for much longer I would fave demanded a section!
I thought it would feel really intrusive and painful but it wasn't so bad dovekie. I just want baby to come now rather than have the drip or cesarean.

I think I lost a bit of plug over night and I felt like my bump was really tight for hours, which I'm assuming is irritation from the sweep. I have been quite crampy all night but as soon as I'm up it all stops. Next sweep is booked for Thursday at 40+6 xx
Is it just like cm with brown old blood mixed in? I remember you saying how much more can there be?! Xx
Yea it's really stringy like someone sneezing with a nose bleed. I read the pluhotel does regenerate hence why it felt like I was losing mine forever sometimes it was about as much as the top of my thumb sometimes it would be like 2or3 fingers worth. It started as like as liquid though and then got stringer and thicker and grosser lol
My plug was orangey colour to start with then turned more pinky red.

It wasn't like cm at all, but more like a jellified, snotty, lump of stuff! Lovely!! Lol!!

Maybe mine wasn't plug, just some irritation. It was a small amount and literally just a bit of cm with some old blood. I've been really dry this while pregnancy strangely. There's no way I want to Google mucus plug pictures so I'll never know!!! Xx
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Don't do it! It'll make you ill. Seems like a good sign that you're losing it though. I can't tell what's going on downstairs. I started wearing panty liners about a month ago as i was leaking a bit. That doesn't seem to have changed.
Mine started out really creamy I think it was old blood tinged cm which made me a bit like "erm this isn't plug" called triage they said it's probably the start but to kerp an eye and make sure it doesn't turn to drop of fresh liquid blood. But sure enough a day or two later it went gloopy and then stringy
I honestly never saw my plug with either previous pregnancy. First baby why waters went naturally in a big pop at 6am in the morning and I ran to toilet and never saw any mucus. Second baby I was induced and still never saw anything in hospital and waters were manually broken when I was already in very established labour. So I'm none the wiser for what to look for! X
Book in for reflexology ......there's real science behind it bringing on labour. I had it on my due date, as well as a sweep and he came same day! But I was already having irregular contractions. Worth a go xx ��

Reflexology worked with me for my first birth. I was 40+5 and fed up, so I booked myself in for reflexology. The next morning I woke up with unusual pains and went into labour naturally that day giving birth to my daughter the following morning. Would definitely recommend.
With DD2, I had a sweep at 40+2 and went into labour the following day. Not sure if it was the seeep or just that it was time but seemed to work

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