Stupidly excited

You really won't know yourself. Me and DH were always fighting over what to watch ENTER SKY+ our lives were changed with the press of a button. Its brilliant I love it.
smurf said:
You really won't know yourself. Me and DH were always fighting over what to watch ENTER SKY+ our lives were changed with the press of a button. Its brilliant I love it.

We do both kinda like the same things, 24, lost etc... BUT the Rugby world cup is coming soon and I don't want t be watching rugby day and night so he can + it :cheer:
Urchin - you will LOVE it - it's brilliant.

One of the best things is that you can set something up to record a series - so if you forget it's on, then bingo, it's recorded. I love it.

Make OH pay for it though :rotfl: .

Has anyone else bought a recorder thingby to record the movies etc onto - we're running out of space on our Sky+ 'cos we've got so many movies and we had an idea about buying a box thing and recording them onto DVDs but not sure how this works or how much it costs? Anyone?

Valentine xxx
He's here :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Valentine I *think* you can just use the scart and somehow fix it up to your pc/laptop and burn the disc that way. I'll be looking into that more later :)

How many hours can you get on a Sky box anyway?
Urchin, we have a hard drive for our television and then you can just transfer whatever onto that and burn it off. They're just linked with a scart lead. We had it before we got Sky+ as it kind of does the same but they work great together. We've taped whole series' of Peppa Pig and Meteor the Monster truck onto DVD pretty much before they were in the shops. Hour's of toddler bliss :cheer:
Enjoy Sky+, bet you're not on here much for a while! :D
:cheer: Yay lucky you! :cheer:

We don't have sky+ but we have one of those hard drive wotsits and it's great to rewind back to watch what I've missed putting Brody to bed! :D
Wahoo, you will LOVE it Urchin, we got it after I stayed at a friends who had it, and I dont know how we ever lived without it!!!!

Just discovered after 18 months, you can programme your Sky remote to alter the volume on your TV-we have been using 2 remote controls :roll: We can now operate the TV on the Sky remote-instructions are in the manual. You follow dirsections, and enter the code they give for the make of your TV and bingo, it works!! No more rumaging for the volume control :cheer:
Yeah all sky remote can do that :lol:

I have been trying to show Mason how it all works but he's finding it qute hard so he's just watching a Top Gear I recorded for him earlier :D
Becks&Riley said:
I wish I had that....

Freeview are doing them boxes now where u can pause an all that for a 1 off fee so i suspect i'll get one of them

Becks...thats what we have, FIL bought it so I'm not sure exactly how much it was as it was a gift, but I think it was around £100 but that was 18mths ago so prob cheaper now.

I actually don't know how we lived without it.....downside is you want to rewind& pause the radio :rotfl: I + everything around the bedtime routine & watch it next morning as I hate daytime TV it drives me crackers.
my sky remote cant do the tv control :(
because my tv is LG it wont work :evil:
wont work on any LG'S
I did it to :cheer: ,phoned them up and threatened to leave so they offered me a box for £49,told them i couldn't afford it and bt was offering me a free box :fib: so i got it all for free :cheer: ,had it a week now and it's great,deff worth a try girls :D xx
nikki1306 said:
I did it to :cheer: ,phoned them up and threatened to leave so they offered me a box for £49,told them i couldn't afford it and bt was offering me a free box :fib: so i got it all for free :cheer: ,had it a week now and it's great,deff worth a try girls :D xx

Aww you cow! hehe well done!
Urchin said:
nikki1306 said:
I did it to :cheer: ,phoned them up and threatened to leave so they offered me a box for £49,told them i couldn't afford it and bt was offering me a free box :fib: so i got it all for free :cheer: ,had it a week now and it's great,deff worth a try girls :D xx

Aww you cow! hehe well done!

lol you reckon they will catch on to us lot :lol: xx
thats for a sky plus box and installation at my newb house, so i was gonna pay 40 for reloaction anyway, so technically its gonna cost me £9 for sky plus.. no monthly fee etc...

im normally just on the normal sky box

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