Stupid Woman!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Bit pointless but wanted a rant!

Just been watching Lorraine and they are reviewing the papers and there was an article about trying to encourage home birth. She then had a rant about how she thinks its ridiculous and how she actually thinks its irresposible to choose to give birth at home!!!!!!!

She has really really got my back up. Whilst i understand that its not for everyone, its about personal choice and for an idiot to say things like that without being fully aware of all the facts is really really bad...........she has made me really angry!!!!!

My babies safety is my absolute priority and i dont believe i am comprimising this by staying at home - or at least wanting to try. If she read all the facts, which she clearly hasnt then she wouldnt have said such a stupid stupid thing!!!

And breath......................
I saw that, yeah she was a bit ott x

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I know what you mean! They talk a lot of nonsense and actually are not aware of all the facts and figures. Silly chat show!
Thats obsured! If I had been sat next to her when she had said that she would have got a slap. :wall:

If the mother is more relaxed at home then theres more chance of baby arriving happy and healthy without intervention.
I would have punched her too - i feel quite upset about it!

She said how she would want to be right next to the operating theatre etc. Does she not understand, they are not all stood in there waiting for an emergency - there all over the hospital. By the time they are all ready and scrubbed up (depending on your distance from the hospital) is only the time it would take for you to get there.............I get that its not for everyone but as long as mum is happy with the decision shes made thats what matters...........
I wouldnt personally want one but surely its about freedom of choice! If you and baby are healthy enough to do it, then do it!

Women have been giving birth working in fields, whithout medical intervention since the begining at time! Home has to be safer than that lol
People in the public eye really should think before they speak ! To suggest that a woman who wants to give birth at home is irrisponsible really annoys me I mean its hard enought to actually cleared to have one and I often read posts from women who have been denied them for trivial reasons . Althought I am not having one , I think if it were possible I might consider it though and that does not make me foolish it just means that I would labour beter in the relaxed enviroment of my own home . Im actually really annoyed
me annoyed i actually emailed the programme - not that i think it'll have any impact but i had to say something.

Its really upset me to think someone would think im irresponsible for my choices. Im very lucky, have had no problems throughout and need to stay positive for a birth that is as relaxing as possible. If things dont go to plan so be it.......ill end up in hospital, which doesnt trouble me at all.

I love my bump so so much i really would do nothing to jepordise our safety.
People in the public eye really should think before they speak ! To suggest that a woman who wants to give birth at home is irrisponsible really annoys me I mean its hard enought to actually cleared to have one and I often read posts from women who have been denied them for trivial reasons . Althought I am not having one , I think if it were possible I might consider it though and that does not make me foolish it just means that I would labour beter in the relaxed enviroment of my own home . Im actually really annoyed

I'm not fussed either way, i've never wanted a home birth tbh. Would possibly consider it if i lived closer to a hospital and it was 2nd/3rd child.

Theres a post from someone else about HB and apparently they're not allowed to deny one, they can only advise?
People in the public eye really should think before they speak ! To suggest that a woman who wants to give birth at home is irrisponsible really annoys me I mean its hard enought to actually cleared to have one and I often read posts from women who have been denied them for trivial reasons . Althought I am not having one , I think if it were possible I might consider it though and that does not make me foolish it just means that I would labour beter in the relaxed enviroment of my own home . Im actually really annoyed

I'm not fussed either way, i've never wanted a home birth tbh. Would possibly consider it if i lived closer to a hospital and it was 2nd/3rd child.

Theres a post from someone else about HB and apparently they're not allowed to deny one, they can only advise?
In fairness , Im not allowed to have one for a good reason and also I couldnt afford it :roll:, so I'm happy enough not to have one . My point was that to insinuate that a woman is not being responsible because she wants one when there are so many restrictioins in pace is unfair .
Is it right in England u need to pay for a private mw?

I think there is a website somewhere that says they literally cannot stop you? Mind u if u just didn't go into the hospital when in labour there would be nothing they could do.
I don't think anyone can stop you but IMO if health professionals advise against it you seriously need to take their advice. Babys safe delivery is the most important thing - not whether lo is born at home or in hospital x

you dont have to pay - and they can not refuse to allow a homebirth - although i do think its sensible to take on board there assessment of your situation.
Is it right in England u need to pay for a private mw?

I think there is a website somewhere that says they literally cannot stop you? Mind u if u just didn't go into the hospital when in labour there would be nothing they could do.
Im not sure about england , but here In Ireland , we have to pay a precentage of the midwife costs . At least if you have been advised against it ? I'm not sure how it would work if your doctors were in agreement . I dont mind to be honest I'm happy to listen to the doctors as I reckon they know best . But as you say if you were in labour at home they would have to send an ambulance out too you . Its not doctors attitudes or even me not being let have a homeborth that set off my rant , it was what the OP said she heard on lorainne that upset me . xx
Its defo a womans choice, no doubt about it. But I think there may be people who dont fully research it before deciding to go ahead with it, thats quite worrying.

I hate that lorraine at the best of times, her voice goes right through me.

Its defo a womans choice, no doubt about it. But I think there may be people who dont fully research it before deciding to go ahead with it, thats quite worrying.

I hate that lorraine at the best of times, her voice goes right through me.

Oh I agree , its not something a woman shoud decide to do without consideration . I know she talks through her nose or something
Me personally wouldn't have 1 but do think everyone choice me first app with midwife she asked me did wnt1 cos that was her job a said no asked bit about it she said there is risks and stuff but u gotta sign. Document say u understand how many risks are involved incase things went wrong bu be very unlickly to happen just not for me Lorraine should never said thisx
There a no more risks giving birth at home than there are in a hospital..... It's down to researching all options and making a conscious decision that's right for u and your bump. No one she be judged either way.

The silly women clearly doesn't know what she is talking about!!
There a no more risks giving birth at home than there are in a hospital..... It's down to researching all options and making a conscious decision that's right for u and your bump. No one she be judged either way.

The silly women clearly doesn't know what she is talking about!!

Definately agree

Even though there's no more risks in giving birth at home, the risk would lie in the amount of time it would take to get to the hospital in an emergency as compared to being in the hospital and getting rushed down the corridor. But I agree both has its benefits.

Oops I'm irresponsible then! I've been advied against having one by my consultant... Her actual words were... "well you can't!"... Woopsie think my midwife booked my in for a home birth today lol. She's coming round to do the talk/risk assessment on Sunday. For me... The risks of going to hospital (personal ones as well as the general infection/lack of care etc) far outway the risks of staying home... Besides... They're trained professionals who will know to get me to hospital in advance if needs be :) xx

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