Not a stupid question at all - I had no idea what it would feel like. The contractions during the pushing stage were unbelievably strong and painful, although not quite the kind of pain I was expecting. I never asked for any pain relief because I never felt like I couldn't cope with it. It really does feel like the most enormous poo of your life. I pushed a few times whilst sitting on the loo and it was really similar, although of course much more painful. I couldn't get LO round the 'bend', so she spent a long time in the birth canal, which left me very sore afterwards, and my tail bone ached for days. Crowning was like a stinging sensation, during which the MW poured warm water over my lady bits. I think it's not as bad as some people say, but I had a small baby, a quick labour, a home birth and a very relaxed and lovely experience, so it's not the same for everyone. I am sure it could be a LOT more painful than my experience, but it's nothing to be afraid of. Good luck and enjoy it! xxx