stupid pregnant lady grr


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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so not happy :-( been trying to get oh to get these wipes from tescos and return ones i already got but he keeps 'forgetting' to do it and keeps saying just go on the weekend but i know theres some in stock and worried if i do go on the weekend there wont be any or the offer will end so been bugging him everyday cos its a good offer and cant really afford to lose out. so he got annoyed yesterday and was moaning to this pregnant lady atwork about me.then he comes home and was all like she says your being ridiculous about it, she hasnt bought much for the baby and shes further along than you, just wait till later and get things blah blah blah. i was fuming. who does she think she is. shes probably loaded enough to go buying stuff at 8months preg, or when babys born etc. were not.ijust thought itll make things easier for us spreading the cost out a bit. she probably doesnt even know our situation. i was so mad. thought she'd be a bit more understanding. its not like im going overboard, its only wipes :wall2::wall2::wall2::wall2:
i know.i hate people like that. wish theyd get all the facts before passing judgement:-( x
even if you was loaded, so what if you want to get them now while they are on offer.

i think its a good idea, i could understand if you wasnt even 12 weeks and you was going on but its a sensible idea to firstly spread the cost and secondly get things in bulk while they are on offer as we all know how tight things can be when they baby first arrives and you have to readjust yourself financially.
yeah thats what i thought mrsmc. and exactly roxanne. oh doesnt get it aswell. he knows we need to budget at the mo but hes also the type to read thing or someone tell him things and hell believe it, drives me up the wall :-( x
I'd be mad at oh for discussing this with this stuck up cow! She's probably just jealous that she's not as prepared as you are, tell her to get f@cked :hugs: xx
yeah id be mad at him, id just say 'well im not her and whatever way she does it is between her and her OH. WE need to budget and WE need to spread out the cost of this baby or YOU need to get more money so i can buy it all last minute.'
men can be very frustrating my ex used to spend money left right and centre on things we didnt need instesd of paying bills, i was ready to walk out by the time i was 3 months pregnant

tell him to stop listening to other ppl and say you pair need to sit down and work out what you need to do finance wise

if she comments again go smack her one and just blame the hormones hehe
ok Im going to play devils advocate here, please dont have me killed :)

OK so she may have said "really....Im going to wait til later but that just me" what Im saying is men tend to hear what they want to hear and as others have said ...I WOULD KNEE CAP HIM FOR SPEAKING TO SOMEONE ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP, of course its ok for me to moan on here or to my girlfriends ha ha. Can you not take them back yourself? I find if I have to ask my OH a couple of times (which is most of the time) I generally get on and do it myself as I cant trust that its going to be done and it does my head in every time xxx
too be honest im not too fussed he said anything to her. i do it myself and at least on here i have an outlet and dont think men have that many. think im more annoyed that he took her word over me. we were talking about it today and he was like she meant i shouldnt be stressing about things whilst pregnant but still she should have been more understanding. and will definetly learn my lesson. plus hes lost the bloody reciept. not asking him for nothing anymore. if he wants to get anything he can but im gonna make sure i get the reciepts lol
Pfft there are some cheeky ppl out there. Do it ur way sod everyone else xx
i know right. lets hope i dont have the "pleasure" of meeting her :-/ x
bloody men cant be trusted to look after anything can than lol

ive also noticed theyre blind as bats, the amount of times my OH said he cant find something and i put my hand on it straight away
Cheeky cow! I've got loads of stuff already (about 1000 nappies!!!!!) and am only 20 weeks. We just won't be able to afford to get it all when the babies arrive so get a little bit each week when we go shopping......... it's just sensible budgeting!!!
mines exactly the same roxanne, oh of course apart from when its his things then when it comes to me hes all like you need to be more organised we have a baby coming taking the p. i feel like decking him. after all it was him who used it last grr.

yeah thats what we do kerrykins and hes normally good after a bit of nagging he finally gets it and he knows im always buying things bit by bit x
I dont blame anyone for stocking up now, having a baby is expensive - if i didnt have one already id already be stocking up on milk and nappies and wipes!
thats what i keep telling him. even milkwise im thinking of breatfeeding but still wanna get some formula just in case baby dont take or something x

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