stupid pain ahh


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
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I posted the other day about pain I've been getting under my boobs for the past few weeks, I rang doctors today and had an appointment for 4 o clock. Went into waiting room and counted 20 people, 10 adults and 10 kids with atleast 4 of them running wild. Was sat shifting position every minute or so as the pain was getting unbearable to sit the same way for literally more than a minute. So after an hour long wait of almost being reduced to pain due to being p*ssed off having to wait plus the pain i was in i finally got to see the doctor. I had mentioned reading about pre eclampsia online and the pain being the same as what I have and also the fact that all my urine samples come back with protein in it. She done my bp and it was fine, laid me up on the bed and felt around my belly, she said everything felt fine and in the mean time if the pain gets any more severe to go to the hospital.

I just want an answer as to what it is causing me this pain, I'm lying in bed here at the minute and im still sore! She also did a urine sample on me and dipped it there and then and surprise surprise protein showed up again. I really don't wanna go up to the hospital cuz I feel like a time waster but I really can't cope with this pain, it isn't normal to not be able to sit for about a minute in the same position without being in pain :( arghhh! Rant over :( lol just feeling annoyed about it all. xxx

Have you tried bouncing on the ball hun to get LO to drop a bit? It's the only thing that has shifted the weight off my ribs if I'm honest. It would leave me close to tears some days xxxxxxxxxx
ive suffered really really bad with rib pain so i know how you feel!!! it was so so awful at times but now baby has moved down im not getting it so often. theres not really anything you can do :s its just one of those things but its nothing to worry about its the pressure of the uterus growing and pushing up your ribage as well as baby pushing against it too! i just take my bra off as much as i can (as that makes it worse) and try not to slouch.

big hugs hope it gets better soon xxxx
Is baby breech? when mine was that's when the pain was worse x
Thanks for the replies. Guess I had just better sit my ground and pray baby hurries and drops! No its in head down position but not engaged yet. I've enjoyed my pregnancy with no sickness or anything whatsoever up until now and now I just want it over and done with :( xxx
ive also found recently that i have alot of rib pain, feels like something is stuck there at times x

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