
I found every day it does get a little easier, you listen to so much advice to what is right or wrong for your baby but at end of the day you need to follow your own instincts. But do things that make you feel better like get up and dressed etc and go out meet friends go to someones house cos I go bonkers staying in all the time which is what i did initally as was so worried about upsetting her nap time and routines. But shes fine and love been taken out and can sleep if she wants too in her pram. I cant belive my LO is a month old already I never thought I would get to this point initally.

I still think Im a bad mummy when in the middle of the night she is crying due to colic and Ive swapped everything to try and help and nothing does and i feel like im letting her down when I see her in pain, but all i can do is be there and help her through it and eventually it will pass, so Im sure we all feel a bit crap at times so your not the only one!! XXXXX
i think it takes a very brave person to admit that they are struggling and admit they are not enjoying being a mother.......i think it is just sooooooo hard and such a huge life changing thing. i often think 'what have i done' and miss my hubby, even though he is here!! of that makes sense.....but he just keeps reminding me its only really hard now in the first few weeks.....til we all get used to each other....

just think ahead to all the rewarding times, this is what i keep telling myself...the first smiles.....the first time she says mummy etc.......i also try to tell myself that they cry now cos thats the only way they can communicate and a cry doesnt necc mean she is unhappy...she is just trying to tell me something....

i will admit also with everything i went through in delivery and the weeks after and her being in special care i didnt bond for was like she wasnt mine cos i didnt see her for the first 2 days and then i couldnt hold her when i wanted for a week.........there was no rush of love.......and that worried me immensely, but again a lot of people have reassured me that is normal with the trauma....xx
i will admit also with everything i went through in delivery and the weeks after and her being in special care i didnt bond for was like she wasnt mine cos i didnt see her for the first 2 days and then i couldnt hold her when i wanted for a week.........there was no rush of love.......and that worried me immensely, but again a lot of people have reassured me that is normal with the trauma....xx

I think that is a big part of why I am feeling this way too... Emily was in special care for the first few days and all I could do was look at her and hold her when I was told I could. I wasn't able to be with my baby when I wanted to be, and missed those first few days of bonding. That was really difficult. Hadn't thought about that much until your post, but it really makes sense. I didn't change her, feed her, comfort her for several days and that was tough.
Hi hun, sorry you are finding motherhood so hard and upsetting... Don't feel like your on your own. I too find it very hard. I can never put Harlow down and I am on my own 5 days a week and OH is only home on weekends. I feel resentful that he gets to have a decent nights sleep not disturbed, even though it is in hotels around the UK, sometimes I start wishing we could switch places and me go to work! When Harlow is finally settled I start feeling guilty for thinking those things and quickly change my mind, then when the crying starts again (yesterday she cried for 9 hours straight) and I think it all over again. Things will get better xxx
I could have written this post myself hun hugs

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samsgirl....that made me cry....I deffo know wat u mean about feelin like ya dnt know ur hubby. it adds a new dimension totally...which is amazing...but ive found it hard gettin up through the night n being the only one able t fed austin.
hubby started nu job tday so its me up every night....n it duz make me feel abit resentful as I used t be a 8 hour a night but I know I need f keep my mouth shut (not very good at it)...cos like u say will b worth it wen all the 1sts happen.

one thing ive dun is set up an email account for austin n each day im email him positive things...lil bit about his behaviour...songs um singin himyc. thought it made things more enjoyable n he can look bk in yrs t come n see how he grew up. might not do it every day but deffo special sleepin thru...smiling etc x

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