Struggling with the wait


Sep 17, 2015
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Hi everyone

Just signed up as I can't tell anyone in real life I'm pregnant and I might explode if I don't talk about it!

Me and my husband were told 3 1/2 years ago that we'd need IVF with ICSI to conceive due to a combination of his low sperm count and my PCOS and fibroids. We decided against it and eventually adopted our beautiful little girl who is now 2 1/2 and has been home a year.

I missed a period a few weeks ago and put it down to my usual weird cycles, but I felt really bloated and a bit off colour so I did a test - really just to rule it out before I made a doctors appointment, and then couldn't believe my eyes as two lines appeared.

We went through shock, worry at how this would affect our little girl and how we'd cope financially with two but are really, really happy about it.

But the initial excitement has given way to constant worry that I won't be able to carry to term. I'm just over 6 weeks along and it seems an age until I'll be able to see a midwife and have a scan, so I'm traumatising myself with too much Google, and tales of MMC's etc etc ...

I've done about 6 tests in the last week and am constantly checking that my boobs are still sore and there's no blood!!

Please someone give me a virtual slap!!
Welcome and huge congratulations!! The worry never ends, even when you've had the scan and all is well - you will worry about the next scan and then the rest of the pregnancy and then the birth. You just need to learn to minimise it a bit really. Try to focus on the positives - you've fallen pregnant against the odds and until you have any signs or symptoms to give you any concern you really just need to keep telling yourself (out loud if you must) that all will be ok. That's what I've done anyway. Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy. I'm sure your story will give hope to lots of ladies on here who have had lengthy ttc journeys xxx
Thanks my lullaby. Had a tricky couple of days - started with some pink, then red spotting on Wednesday and went to see GP who referred me for a scan.
They couldn't see anything on the scan at all but my HCG was 2400 so they thought they should have been able to at those levels. Couldn't see an ectopic either.
Very mysterious but I have to go back on Sunday for another blood test. I suspect they'll find its falling but weirdly the spotting has now stopped! Going to be a long weekend I think!
Well, this is horrendous.
I've been bleeding lightly all weekend and was fully expecting the blood tests to show that my HCG levels had fallen. Instead they've risen ... but only by 60%.
I was so hoping to get an answer as to whether this was definitely it, but it seems I'm in limbo land still until I go back on Tuesday for another scan and more blood tests.
I realise the likelihood is that I'm losing it, but I'm finding the glimmer of hope very hard to deal with! :-(
Bleeding doesn't necessarily mean it's all over hunni. I know it's scary and can't talk from experience but you hear lots of stories of women bleeding in pregnancy - sometimes all the way through - and they still go on to have healthy babies. Hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones. It's not over till it's over xx
Really hope you get some answers soon, the numbers have gone up so something is happening. Take care and try to rest a bit - tough with a 2yr old I know! x
Thanks all. Bleeding has slowed right down now so I shall keep hoping for now! xx
Well ... blood tests showed another rise by again only about 60 %, and progesterone only 10 which apparently is not good. They did at least find the pregnancy in the uterus but it's only a sac and only small. Meanwhile I'm still bleeding so it doesn't look good.
So now I have to wait and see - another scan booked for next Tuesday when we'll either see growth or not! Relieved it didn't turn out to be ectopic though.
well there is still a glimmer of hope and you never know - fingers are crossed for you xx

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