Stretch Marks???


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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since i got pregnant i havn't really got any stretch marks apart from a couple of really tiny ones at the bottom of my back, was just wondering at what stage in pregnancy do most women get them as im nearly 35 weeks and hoping iv escaped them but defo not going to get my hopes up!!!
I got mine from 40 weeks plus... dam overdue babies...

But I have heard off other people that you can get loads after you have had the baby too and you only just noticed them and swear they weren't there when you were pregnant.
I only got a couple on my hips before he was born, then the worst ones appeared on my stomach from my skin going back after I'd had him !
I did not get any at all during the pregnancy, but afterward i seemed to have gained just a very few light ones below my belly button either side.
I didn't get any until after DD was born :wall:

You can't really see them now though :)
got them in the last few weeks with my first. was gutted cos i didnt get one till like 37-38 weeks.

didnt get any new ones with my second :dance:
:( :( oh well if i get em i get em i suppose. not that i'll really be botherd after iv had baby anyways
i didnt get a single one on my bump :cheer: thanks to religious use of palmers cream i think, but i didnt think to put anywhere else and at 38 weeks suddenly got loadsa little ones on my boobs :twisted:

my girl friend didnt get any til after 40 weeks (she went overdue)

they're a bugger for all springing up right at the end when u think u got away with it! :lol:
I got a few on the bottom of my bump in the last day or 2 but I think that's partly because I had pre-eclampsia and my whole body swelled (is that a word) in the space of 2 days
I got them with my second child more and at around 38-39 weeks! he just kinda popped out more in them last two weeks lol!
What I didnt do and should have as my mam did tell me lol was made sure I rubbed cream everywhere! I got them on my legs, hips, bum, boobs and lower belly in the end! But then I did have 3 babies in 3 years! I dont think I gave my skin time to sort itself out! hahaha
I had a few on my right hand side and thats it - nothing else yet.

But I think I might have escaped them as I lost a lot of weight at the beginning so my bump hasn't had to strtch as much.

My sister got loads - practically the minute she foudn out she was pregnant.

Now that I have said this I bet I get loads :(
I got loads from about 27/28 weeks with my first, but didnt get any new ones with my other children
I started to get them at 27 ish weeks, they just came thick and fast from then on... I knew when I was gonna get a new one... it would start itching in the morning then by bed time I would have a lovely shiny new stretch mark :lol:
I got some on my hips at 37 weeks exactly.

And I think 2 have appeared on my tummy today! (They may be clothes creases, I do have to check them out again, which is tricky as they are under my visual range - the underbelly :rotfl: I'm 38+3
I got one in my pubic area, cant see it tho, then I got LOADS on my bum and inner thighs. Really horrible dark ones. Some are still there but most have just gone silver.

Didn't get ANY on my bump tho! Woo!! Go Palmers Cocoa butter!!

after giving birth this time, three big ones around my pubic line :eek:
I didn't get any which surprised me as I got loads just going through puberty! I thought they were a fore-gone conclusion but luckily they weren't! :cheer:
i got some last time but i didnt even know i had any until after the baby was borm as they were under my bumo were i cudnt see them.. hope i dont get anymore this time.. lucky u if their only on ur back, thats good.. got them on my boobies as well lol..
I didn't have any at all until 35-36 weeks then they exploded. That was WITH daily moisturising. Belly will never be the same again :( .

OH has kindly agreed to pay for tattoos that say "Waterloo", "King's Cross" and "Euston" so I can pretend it's a map of the London underground. :roll:
I'm 39+4 and I don't have any yet anywhere but I'm sure there's time yet :rotfl:

I do however have something that looks suspiciously like a small rash (ringworm?) on my belly which I'm a bit concerned about. Not concerned enough to actually do anything though :rotfl:

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