stretch marks...


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I have coated myself in a think layer of cocoa butter every day since week 5 and so far I don't have any stretch marks on my bump or thighs.... then this morning my OH (kindly... :x ) pointed out I have one starting on my boob!!!

I'm the same as Lola's Mummy - i didn't get a single stretchmark all the way through my pregnancy but as soon as Soph arrived they appeared - i was raging to say the least!
i thought that i was in the all clear untill i was around 38 weeks its like they appeared over night. again OH pointed them out to me!
didnt get any until right at the end of my pregnancy... then more appeared after the birth.. pah!!
my OH denied knowledge of them even when I explained I could full well see them in the mirror :roll: lol

i only got them when I went past 40 weeks :roll: and yes they got my hips, thighs, boobs, and all round the bottom of my back :(
whoa, deja-vu! lol that happened to me- i put palmers on my bump religiously and despite it growing to a massive size (about 50"!) from being a size 6 i didnt get a single one on my tummy :cheer:
BUT, i didnt think to do my boobs which grew from 32B to 34DD and in the last few weeks of pregnancy my boyf pointed and said "what are all those?"! grrrrrrrrrr its annoyin isnt it!

but im pleased to say, im back down to a 32B and altho theyre not gone, theyve REALLY faded to barely visible, thanks to bio-oil (and im still on my first bottle, 9 months later- so £15 was not too expensive after all!)
First time around i didn't get stretchers until the last few weeks. Then after I gave birth and my stomach deflated hundreds appeared overnight! :shock:
Luckily they all faded into next to nothing after a few months.

This time I'm only just getting new stretchers now. Admittedly I am very lazy though and have never bothered slapping any cream on them :oops:
Hi All

I have decided to give it a go, and was very impressed… even though the marks have not "disappeared", the appearance of the marks has improved as a whole. Not bad for a product that I haven't been using for that long and is a whole lot cheaper than your "traditional" beauty creams.

Igot stretch marks in the last few weeks but not too bad, but then as i have lost my baby weight they have appeared on my belly..! Do use cocoa butter but may try bio oil for the last bits, they arent as aggressive as they were but i go on hol after my wedding and i want to be able to wear bakini!!!!
i got three new ones near my foo this time round and they appeared after the birth
I have spent a fortune on stretch mark creams. such as Vichy it's soo expensive and so far so good. no marks. but i do have old ones on my hips and thighs. Read in a magazine a lady swearing by Clarins Oil. i know its even more expensive but Im crazy about stretch marks so im off to buy it and see how things will go.

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