Stretch marks???


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2014
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At what stage in your pregnancies did you all start getting stretch marks?? xx
I haven't got any yet. Wondering whether I will get any as I'm very itchy. Will be watching this thread xx
I'm 29 weeks and haven't got any yet but I know I've got the majority of stretching still to do! Will be interested to see when others say they started to appear xx
I'm not sure what week but definitely in tri 2! I had a real burst around week 30 though x
Most of mine actually appeared after I had my baby ! Sneaky bloody things lol x
Mine didn't appear until the last trimester with either pregnancy.

With my first, they were silvery and didn't bother me too much. Second time they were purple and a lot more visible.
I haven't got any new ones (yet). First time round they all came at 40+ weeks and after I had him. :)
I think about 34 weeks I got a few small on my hips, but that's all so far. Don't mind so much as had some faded ones there from when I was a teen!
I got a few on each hip at 38 weeks and thought that was it but since giving birth some have appeared on my tummy
did well until week 33 had about two on each hip now im 40 weeks with quite alot of marks all at the bottom half of my belly
Thanks for replies :) did any of you get quite big quite fast? My bump was there from early on and it's got to a stage where it hasn't really grown much, although measurements etc say baby is growing fine, I haven't got any yet, I do have some on my hips from my teens also! I'm just wondering if I'm going to have a big growth spurt at the end and get them! I bio oil or use creams every day without fail but I know this might not even help xxx
how many weeks are you? i ballooned at 35 weeks and even this past week i feel so much bigger
There's really nothing you can do, i find the creams and oil provide relief whilst your skin is stretching but don't find that they prevent anything. I wrote on a thread yesterday that all of mine were below my belly button then I woke up this morning to a few above it.

You might be lucky and not get any though.
I had a couple of little faint ones around 30 weeks, since hitting 40 weeks I've now got bright purple ones really low on my bump and lots, I've been bio oiling twice a day and thought I had been lucky and got away with it, but sadly not xx
I got stretch marks from previous pg from about 18-20 weeks and they steadily grew further and further up my tummy, they were quite red and painful. They stopped just around my belly button but in the last week (so from about 27 weeks) they are continually moving upwards towards my boobs. I have accepted the fact that my entire stomach is going to be covered because I am a teeny 5ft and I carry extremely large babies for my height. They don't bother me at all though, I have loads on my hips and thighs and previous pg ones were lovely and silver within about 5 months of popping :)

Sharing a piccy of mine, as I have no shame or compunction over doing so :D

Eeeep it's a bit big, sorry!

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They do say they're genetic. I've got them from when I was a teenager but didn't get any in first pregnancy and none so far this time.
I'm 29+3... Thanks ladies, If I get them I get them, I'm just curious as to when people started getting them! Thanks for sharing the pic kumber, your stretch marks are a memory of that beautiful little baby your carrying so it's totally worth it :) xxx

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