Stretch marks


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I read that stretch marks are hereditary, so if your Mum had them with you, you were probably going to have them with your LO too.
Thought I'd put it to the pregnancyforum test hehe
Do you have any and does your Mum?
mum doesn't and as yet I have not had any, please keep your fingers crossed for me!! I did however get stretch marks on my thights when I was 12 and my mum didn't so all in all really confusing and I haven't helped at all!!!!
not sure my mums a skinny minnie :lol: and im a fat moo :rotfl: so i had them anyway.
I think my mom did get them, I don't know actually :think:

I haven't got any....................yet!!! :cheer:
my mum didnt have any, but ive got them really bad growing on my hips and thighs...i have the smallest 1 ever on my tummy which i just know its goin 2 explode into a massiv patch of them soon =(
my mumm has... i've got three on both my sids.... and under my boobs. but that about it

i pray i don't get any :pray:
My Mum and Sister didn't have them and I haven't got any from the pregnancy so far but I got them through puberty so I feel like I'm playing Russian roulette! Fingers crossed I don't get any!
my mum had them but they faded to a silvery grey?
it depends on ur skin type - if u have oily skin it helps the elasticity and natural collagen in ur skin to stretch then retract but if its dry like mine then ul get great big furrows in ur tummy!!!
my mum got them and so did i but mine have near enough gone now which i'm sooo happy about :D

i don't think any creams makes any difference i think its just the luck of the draw really to whether you get any or not :roll:
Redshoes said:
I read that stretch marks are hereditary, so if your Mum had them with you, you were probably going to have them with your LO too.
Thought I'd put it to the pregnancyforum test hehe
Do you have any and does your Mum?

I have always suffered with stretchmarks, I even got them on my boobs in puberty.

My Mum claims not to have any. :?

Well that didn't prove the theory :think:
I have seen some adverts suggesting that Bio Oil is very good, anyone tried that, does anything work? I've not noticed any as yet but I'm a larger lady anyways so have some from pre-pregnancy, but I know my cousin had very large, dark red ones, all the across her bump, and so I know they can cause mum's upset :hug:

Here's to none or very few for everyone :cheer:
My mum didn't have any and she had twins (me and my brother). However, my sister has got loads on her tummy from her pregnancies. I haven't really got any so far (fingers crossed) but I did get them on my thighs in puberty and have a few feints ones on the underneath of my boobies.

My mom doesnt but i have tons :think: wishi took after her :lol:
Nordic coloured people (blonde & red heads) are more likely to have stretch marks. Something to do with the pale skin not having as much natural elastic as darker.
I've inherited my dads colouring (blonde) so I stretch during my first pregnancy. Not during this one though just because I think the damage has already been done lol.

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