Stretch marks ...... when


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Hi girls

If you have stretch marks when did you start to notice them?

I am 26 + 5 days and haven't got a sign of them yet so am hoping and touching wood that I wont get them!! but just wondered if they started later in the third tri???
I have one very small one!! I noticed it the other day when i was 25+4
:wave: hello!
im 32 weeks today and have none as yet! :shhh:
i think i may get them soon though as bubs seems to have grown heaps in the last few weeks!
im hoping not but they cant be helped if you are going to get them i suppose!
i guess they are a sign of being a mother!! :cheer:
My friend thought she'd got away with it til she got to 38 weeks and they appeared with avengence. I'd say you're not safe until bubs is out.
All women in my family have got them, so it seems I'm destined for them.
well my old marks are starting to get noticable no new ones yet, your more likely to get them when your bump grows quite quickly.
I started noticing them at 15 weeks :shock: so i knew i wasnt going to have it easy and sure enough i ended up with hundreds of the beasts! Really red and angry by the time i was about 35 weeks. TBH i no one is safe but i knew i would get them as i was prone to them anyway. Good thing is, is they dont look half as bad once bubba is out and they fade.

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