

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Not been back a day and i am moaning already.

I had the two weeks before Christmas off on sick because i hate my job, the people and the machines so much i was starting to get really stressed out being here, had a nice relaxing month off in total.

I came back yesterday and my PC didnt work properly but did what it had to after turning it on and off about 4 times, then the mouse didnt work and i was expected to climb on tables to the back of the pc's to unplug and plug in the mice, Finally today someone came to have a look at the pc, did something and buggered it up completely so now i have been sat in the dirtiest corner of the office at a dirty table and keyboard on my own, having to swap the mouse around again and having to use a really slow machine and a keyboard that deafens you.

The girl that was annoying me so much before is boasting about everything but in a way that sounds like she is complaining and that is irratating the crap out of me.

The dirt from table and keyboard is annoying the **** out of me because i know thousands of dirty hands have used them (mild case of ocd maybe?)

I just hate the place and can feel my blood pressure rising just by being here.

Has anybody got any suggestions as to what i can do, i think i am going to go insane at this rate and i am sure my little man isnt to impressed by it either. :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: Poor Flame :( I don't really know what to suggest other than getting signed off until the baby is here due to stress and stuff, it is horrible to be in a job you hate so much, sending you big huggles :hug:
You should get your desk and keyboard etc cleaned - no-one should have to work in filth.

Then go and shut your self in a loo or sneak outside for some breathing/relaxation time. Tense then relax all your face muscles, then clench and unclench your fists. Breathe in saying 'Ba' and breathe out saying 'by' - Ba-by. It helps me to relax - I always feel my shoulders dropping about 4 inches!

I would also make up a drs/mw appointment for later this week or early next. It gives you a chance to go home early without any questions being asked! If anyone gets nosey say they found protein in your wee at your last checkup and wanted to see you again, no-one wants to ask anything about a colleague's wee!
Do you really think i could get away with going off sick until he is born??? :)
I think it would stop maternity pay wouldnt it? i thought you had to work for 26 weeks before the baby is born to get maternity pay?

Would be nice if i could do that though, especially as my friend is leaving in a couple of weeks and then i will be left on my own.

Thanks for all the hugs :D :hug:
:wave: glad to see you`re back Flamey XX :wave:

How about taking a bamboo cane into work and whacking the idiots on the head each time they say stuff to annoy you?

And go off sick with OCD ??
Really would love to do that Jano, think i might get into a bit of trouble though cause i would probably go on a rampage around both buildings with it (i'm not violant honest)

I got your message by the way. When you going to be online at a normal time again?
If you are off sick you are technically working, a person at my work is due just after me and has been signed off since October and she will start her maternity leave and get exactly what she would have got if she had been going in!
our company will pay sick pay until 4 weeks before your EDD. If you are sick at this point, they stop the sick pay and start your maternity leave
Ah ok, maybe something to look at doing then cause today is even worse than yesterday and i cant see it getting any better.
awww hun it must be awful for you :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

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