Strep B testing petition

Signed and shared :) x

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I agree there needs to be routine testing...BUT...

I was tested on being admitted to hospital - negative

tested upon delivery - positive.....

so it can change in a matter of hours so if you are tested during pregnancy and its negative, can still appear during labour :(

The crazy thing is, I asked my midwife if i should be tested for it at 37 weeks and she said 'no need'....hmmm...i was just very unlucky...xx
I agree there needs to be routine testing...BUT...

I was tested on being admitted to hospital - negative

tested upon delivery - positive.....

so it can change in a matter of hours so if you are tested during pregnancy and its negative, can still appear during labour :(

The crazy thing is, I asked my midwife if i should be tested for it at 37 weeks and she said 'no need'....hmmm...i was just very unlucky...xx

Sadly, not all tests for GBS are as sensitive as others and in the UK at least we usually use a substandard method. When a sensitive test is used, the result is highly predictive for at least 5 weeks (which is why in other countries they test at 35-37 weeks). So, whilst GBS can come and go, it doesn't do it on an hourly basis, daily or even weekly basis - it's usually over longer periods of time than that.

Check out the Group B Strep Support website at gbss org uk for lots of information about this.

I've signed the petition mentioned above and shared it via facebook and twitter - the sooner the UK starts telling pregnant women about GBS and offering them a reliable test late in pregnancy, the more babies will be prevented from what I'm told is the most common cause of life-threatening infection in newborn babies. Ridiculous that we're not already.
Signed it, even if one minute you are positive and the next negetive or vice versa, if it saves one childs life its 100% worth it.

Thanks for posting! x
So what happens if they test you once you're admitted an you have it? What are the risks of Strep B? x

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