Stray Dog - Advice Needed


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Theres a dog been hanging around outside our house for a week or so, its been around more and more & seems to be there all the time past couple of days. Its very very scared of people & even runs away from my cat, I suspect its been mistreated from the way it acts.

We are not sure if its owned by someone and they are just neglecting it or whether its actually a stray with nowhere to go but my OH got up this morning and it was asleep on the grass which tells me it has no home :( poor thing.

Me being a softy fed it last night and also this evening, it was terrified but we left the food out and it ate it eventually.

Im not sure what to do, I plan to ring the RSPCA tomorrow but have a feeling they wont take it as its not injured but not sure how it works.... I dont really want to have to ring the local dog warden as im worried if nobody claims it then it may get put to sleep. Has anyone any idea what the best thing to do would be?

Thanks :)
ring rspca now, they will come investigate straight away and if the dog looks in need, they will take it in.

they will even keep u informed what happens to the doggy, iva had to ring them before, there lovely
i would say the rspca and see what they say :)

good on u to give it some food poor dog. i hate people who mistreat animals.
I agree call RSPCA asap. If they are not interested then you are probably best off calling the warden as then at least it might get rehomed even adopted till someone does want to adopt it. Anything has to be better than being petrified on the streets.

What kind of dog is it?
Ive just RSCPA and got a recorded message for uninjured stray dogs saying that I need to ring my local council :think:

Its a mongral
Personally I would rather call the dogs trust.. they don't put downs to sleep like the RSPCA do. :(
You be surprised what they do TBH. I know people who have worked for them. I'm sure not ALL the RSPCA places are bad, and I know they do good work, but I don't really trust them. :?
Ive just looked on my councils website and they would send it to Manchester Dogs home who would rehome if no-one claims it... Im going to ask around the neighbours and see if anyone knows whos it is tomorrow then ring warden if not and RSCPA if someone is mistreating it.
You could try looking for other pet rescues that people do from there own home, i know there are a few near me so someone near you might do the same?
catch it and take it to the RSPCA and says its yours but you dont want it. Its obviestly not being looked after :cry:
here you have to pay the rspca and dogs trust to take a dog for you.. i only know this because my neighbour had a bull dog pup who was agressive to little children, so she rang round and she had to pay bull dog trust 50 quid in the end..

ring manchester dogs home.. and they come to pick up the dog.. its been outside over night and u have seen it for 3 days.. someone might be lookign for it and the best place to find it is a dogs it needs warmth and food on cold nights like these.. poor thing
I would contact the Dogs Trust like Urchin said, I don't trust the RSPCA at all. My sister phoned up about a stray dog once and they basically said it wasn't their problem. She'd given them money for years and was disgusted so she's never paid them a penny since. My Aunt is a long time member of the dogs trust and would give every penny she had to them.
Strangeness said:
I would contact the Dogs Trust like Urchin said, I don't trust the RSPCA at all. My sister phoned up about a stray dog once and they basically said it wasn't their problem. She'd given them money for years and was disgusted so she's never paid them a penny since. My Aunt is a long time member of the dogs trust and would give every penny she had to them.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to think this, it's such a shame.

My friend who worked for them told me one day a mother and her son brought in family of hedgehogs that had been wandering in a busy road. The vet told them how they would take care of them and set them free again somewhere safe then when they'd left they just put them all to sleep and said it would cost too much money to do that. :(

I should say I am positive lots and lots of RSPCA places do really good work etc but I personally think some of them have to work to a budget regardless of what's the best for the animals.
I cant really add anything that other havnt already said, although i do agree that the RSPCA isnt the best option.

I do feel so sad for the doggy though being out in the cold with no food. :cry:
Can you see if the dog has a collar/ tag on? You could try this website, just in case it is a missing dog and much loved family pet. They are ace and do a great job at reuniting missing dogs please check all over the country for dogs missing matching its description as you'd be surprised where stolen dogs end up.

If it is genuinely a stray with no owner (or an owner who doesn't give a hoot), its an offence to let your dog stray anyway, then you need to phone the dog warden. The council get paid by the government to deal with stray dogs. Also they only have to keep it for 7 days before they can rehome it if no owner comes forward. If it gets taken by a charity they have to keep it 28days before they can rehome it.

Hope this helps. :D
There is no collar & to be honest IF it is owned by someone its very clearly been mistreated as no animal would be that afraid and nervous, seriously it must have been in a really violent household im certain.

Theres no way I could catch it, it runs a mile if u go anywhere near it even when I had food for it.

RSCPA said to ring my Local Council, I havent seen it today so going to hang on and see if its still around and if it is then ring Dogs Home/ Council.

My OH has just rang me and said they have a kitten hidding in their work & they dont know where its come from or how logn its been there (he's a mechanic so doors are open all day), I can see me ending up with another cat here aswell :roll: :lol:
Let the dog warden collect the dog, they will get it checked over and it will be fed and watered, have a warm place to sleep and hopefully rehomed,

Every area is different but in my area putting them to sleep is the last resort, they usually only put them down if they are aggressive and classed as not rehomeable

The poor dog must be absolutely terrified, cold and lonely plus is at danger of being run over

If it is being mistreated then it would still be better off with the local council pound than living in fear of being returned to its owner

I work at the local police station and have to get dogs collected by the dog warden all the time, they are always well cared for at the pound,

Whats the alternative? Cold and starving?
nw1 said:
Let the dog warden collect the dog, they will get it checked over and it will be fed and watered, have a warm place to sleep and hopefully rehomed,

Every area is different but in my area putting them to sleep is the last resort, they usually only put them down if they are aggressive and classed as not rehomeable

The poor dog must be absolutely terrified, cold and lonely plus is at danger of being run over

If it is being mistreated then it would still be better off with the local council pound than living in fear of being returned to its owner

I work at the local police station and have to get dogs collected by the dog warden all the time, they are always well cared for at the pound,

Whats the alternative? Cold and starving?

Yep I know thats why im so concerned :? why do I feel like ur having a go at me?

Anyway ive not seen to dog today so cant ring if its not there, soon as I see it ill be ringing the warden.

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