

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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At this time of year I alway have strawberries in the fridge, but haven't tried Brody with them yet, as they are supposed to be quite an "allergic" fruit.

Does anyone here give strawberries as finger food?
What age did you/will you start strawberries?
Dior had her first strawberry at 7months, but i would have tryed her earlier but i dont buy them to often, Dior was fine with them, i just let her suck on it :D
Sorry... can't help! I would've tried Oscar on it if it was their time, but I will have to wait until October!

Emilia xx
It was one of the firstfinger foods i tried with jess. she has eczema so she was a bit rash like anyway. She had loads of teeth at 7 months so it was a problem for her to eat them quartered.

I just buy a punnet now, chop them and sometimes she goes into the fridge herself.
Alex loves them. he's had them from about 5/6 months chopped up in his cereal. it gave him some soft lumps to learn to chew with. has them as finger food sometimes too now.

he loves raspberries too - again i mix them into his cereal as they break down nicely. we have them growing in the garden so i can pick them fresh - nothing like it the taste is amazing!

Rubie tried her first strawberry about 5 minutes ago, she cried when it was gone!!
Seren had a strawberry squished up when she was about 5 months old, and I'll be giving her them again. Just see how he goes with them, perhaps get a big one to start with and let him have fun with it x
I gave some strawberry to Lydia a couple of weeks ago - I don't think she liked it much, it was kinda sour for her
I gave Kaiden a strawberry yoghurt a few weeks ago and he had a wee rash, wasnt sure if it was a milk rash due to the heat or the strawberries, so my Mum told me to boil them then blend them most allergies are caused by the fruit being uncooked, im allergic to tomatoes and strawberries only if their uncooked, maybe try boiling them 1st and in a month or so giving them fresh. He has strawbereies and all other partially coked fruits through his cereal and hes cope with them fine for themo at least XkelX

This is a great thread was gonna post a similar one.
Bernies sister is allergic to strawberries so should i wait till she is a little older to try her on them i always have them in my fridge as well.
I've tried him now and he loved it.

His favourite was melon though...he grabbed my hand and steered it to his mouth when I was holding it!

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