

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i went to my m8s today and she needed some stuff so i sed id go to the shop and left B with her he was asleep! while i was there i met a really nice bloke and it was all going great till he asked me about me and i sed i had a son etc and he was gone!!

i went bck to my m8s and cried !! is something that wrong with me n B? im never gonna meet a bloke who wants a teen mum?

there are plenty of men who are willing to take on there partners children, just look at me and jase, i had 2 kids when i met him and now they call him dad.

it will happen for you when the time is right, but your still very young so dont be in such a rush sweetie, why do you feel like you need a man in your life anyway?

dont worry sarah. i thought i would never meet anyone after sera but look at me now. he's seras daddy and im having his 2nd baby :D we dont need blokes who run a mile when they see a baby, the ones we need are the ones who will be there whenever you need them.

dont give up sarah (((hugs))) theres sum1 out there waiting for you.

luv braiana x
Awww hunnie, there are alot of really good blokes out there you know, My best friend had her little girl at 18, one night stand. She now has a wonderful husband and 3 more kids!!! Jade calls him dad.
You will find a lovely MAN who will love B like his own, watch out for the boys though!
Keep your chin up hun.
aww hunny, i'm so sorry, don't be in such a rush to get a bloke when you don't notice it thats when the right bloke for you will turn up.
Hi hun

Is that what was wrong with you earlier when you said you had to go?
I know for a fact there is nothing wrong with you and most men are cowards.... you will find a guy in no time you just got to wait.
Most guys prob dont expect you to have a child so yes it will scare most of them away but some dont care if you have children and will want to get to know you .
My friends has an 8 year old and has had bfs and her current one has been with her 3 years and treats Blake like his own.
Sorry your feeling so down hun., you dont need guys like that neways

xxx Katrina
There's NOTHING wrong with you and B, your perfect soul mate is out there waiting for you when you least expect it.

I was a single teen mum, lived at home with mum and dad and used to cry myself to sleep every night that I'd be alone forever. It was only once I stopped looking, that I met Stuart. We'd had the same group of friends for years and he already knew Daniel, even though we'd never met. The first time we met was at a family party, he pinched my bum and I gave him a huge slap across the face and bust his nose, but for some strange reason, he knew there and then he was going to marry me.

It's horrible waiting for it to happen, but it WILL.
Sarah... like I've said so many times.... you're both gorgeous!!! Just believe that and DONT settle for second best!!! :wink:

I've got so much faith in you - so should you!
Emilia xx

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