Strange Fluttering


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2014
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Hi. this is an overdose of TMI, so sorry for that, but I find it really strange and its bothering me.

I started to miscarry on Tuesday. Monday I noticed that at the top of my vagina (so just above where the folds begin, sorry...), I have a fluttering. Something is flicking for about 5 seconds, really fast and then it stops. This happens about 10 times a day.

I've looked on the internet, but as soon as you mention pregnant and fluttering they think you are talking about the baby moving.

Anyone had this before? Any idea what it is?

Thanks. xxx

I dont really have any advice but didnt want to read and run. Sounds a bit odd, I didnt get anything like this with mine but i think there are hundreds of different mc symptoms that different ladies feel, depends on each person.
Unless its someting that is very painful, I wouldnt think it would be cause for concern. If it keeps happening and its really worrying you, just call your midwife or doctor for advice.
Sorry I cant help more than that! Fingers crossed its over for you soon
Thanks for replying. Figured no one would reply to such a weird post :) I'm not too worried, just find it really weird. I spoke to my mw this morning about how things were progressing, but felt too embarrassed to mention something so strange. As long as it stops when the bleeding stops. Thanks again. xxx
Hi Meliliy, nothing is too weird for the forum, I'm really sorry you lost your baby, I haven't experienced that fluttering but I imagine, it's to do with nerve endings or muscles stretching to do with your hormones. If it persists I'd mention to MW as they have seen most things. Take care x

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