Strange craving

Emerald rose

Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2011
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Im not sure if i want to taste it or smell it but i am craving fabric softner!
Im not going to drink it but im really confused as i thought craving were things your body needed like vitamins.

Anyone else craving weird things or is it just me?
Hi, I have heard some weird things about cravings.. I had a friend who said his partner had a craving for soil and would eat soil from the garden, but I don't know whether I should still believe him or not to be honest!! Yours seems fairly exceptional lol... I would advise you just sniff it though and maybe put more in your washing to try and fulfill the desire for it... would a plug in air freshener supress your craving??

Good luck xx
Emerald Rose, I recall reading about such non food cravings in my pregnancy books. I believe it is called Pica. A site that gives a quick overview :

Dont feel bad, you arent un usual, it is known to occur in both young children and pregnant women - though still unclear as to why.

Speak to your doctor / midwife. From my readings, the pica cravings can intensify during pregnancy. Good luck!:hugs: and let us know how you get on. Hope that helps.
Im having nice normal and tasty cravings (I have gone fruit mad)

but some of my friends have had some odd ones

One craved toilet paper!!!! and she used to eat it to lol she isnt sure what it was about it that she wanted but she happily sat there eating it off the roll

and her sister craved water but only squeezed from a sponge lol

I remember reading about odd cravings and what they mean, but I cant for the life of remember the site it was on now
I had the exact same thing ! I craved the smell of it ? So I used to dry all my clothes in the living room so I could smell them lol !
Should speak to your midwife hun, as even though the fab cond doesn't have vitamins in, my book says it usually means your deficiant in something. Any non food cravings should be discussed with mw x
Thank you for the website erimela.
I will ask my midwife next week about pica. I have washed every item in the house that can be washed :wash:
I had to give my mum my usual brand of fabric softener when I first got pregnant because it made me feel sick & I struggled with air fresheners & spray deodorants too. I'm much better now though! My craving of the non food variety is tea tree oil, loved it when I was expecting my first & love it now. I dab it neat in my nostrils & I have a face wash which has tea tree in & I just cup my hands over my face & just inhale the smell!!!! I know I can't eat it, but the regular sniffs are important, I have tea tree oil in my handbag, one on my bedside table & one in the kitchen, so I can have my fix wherever & whenever I like!!!!

Sunnyb xxx
ermmm ive heard this b4, my sister used to love the smell of cleaner products and bleach x
When i was pregnant i loved the smell of petrol and the smell you get just after you blow a candle out lol my midwife just laughed lol x
I would like to crunch down on some chalk and also suck on a sponge!!!

i loved the smell of bud wiser when i was pregnant id just buy a bottle so i could sniff it all day but they normally pass and u find things u will like one min and hate the next xx
I have a beer craving, though I don't imagine it is particularly unusual.. love the smell and the taste xx

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