Stooopid foookin woman!!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I'm not long back from the clinic today and since it was a nice day I decided to walk instead of taking the car, which meant I was a little early.

While sitting in the waiting room with Arianna some stooopid old woman came up and gave me into trouble and told me to teach Arianna some manners as she had sat on my knee the whole time blowing raspberries.... which she has discovered she can do since getting her tooth.

I was so taken aback I heardly said anything!! She's only 6mths old for god sake!!!


S. xx
jeeez, some people r soo rude!!!!
u should have said 'well ur just jealous cos u havent got any of ur own teeth u old bag!!!' :rotfl:
grrrr some people just dont know when to butt out, THATS bad manners!

Maybe its just a generation thing, you know children should be seen and not heard and all that, its sad really she needs to get with the programme!
:shock: silly old bat!

while you're at it why dont you teach her to talk so she can just tell what the probelm is and wont have to cry in public places. and maybe if she could change her won nappy too that would be handy! :roll: talk about wishing them grown up too fast!

i love to hear a baby blow raspberries - its so cute when they first figure it out and they look so pleased with themselves :lol: alex was always doing it on the bus and got nothing but smiles from people and thats how it should be!

i hate it when you are so taken aback you cant think what to say - i bet now you have a whole pile of stuff you would retort with :twisted:

mummykay said:
u should have said 'well ur just jealous cos u havent got any of ur own teeth u old bag!!!' :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

yeah - she wouldnt say anything like that again would she?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
silly woman.
why cant people understand babies dont know its rude!
I didnt even think it was rude..... I was doing it back to her!! Maybe that was the problem!! :rotfl:

S. xx
haahaa some people sorry to laugh but OMG she really needs to get a life. you should teach LO to say old bag to nosey old women.
why is it you only think of witty replies after the situation...shock at people being so bl**dy nasty I guess.
Age is no excuse for the old dear being nasty. I know a lot of old people that love babies.... sounds like she was jealous or just plain old mean.
She probably farts on buses and wees when she sneezes so how she can lecture people on manners is beyond me :rotfl:
I seriously cant believe the cheek of the old woman honestly what are you supposed to do physically force her tongue back in her mouth and clamp it shut, I know shes old but i would of drop kicked her in the head interfering old cow, oh well shell soon be dead!
i love it when Alfie blows rasberries babies look so cute when they do it
Alfiesmummy said:
I seriously cant believe the cheek of the old woman honestly what are you supposed to do physically force her tongue back in her mouth and clamp it shut, I know shes old but i would of drop kicked her in the head interfering old cow, oh well shell soon be dead!
i love it when Alfie blows rasberries babies look so cute when they do it

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: u nutter!
Yeah she would have got a right ear bashing from me. I'm kinda one of these people that if someone's nice to me I'm nice to them if they come out with smart arse/rude comments like that old bat then she'd have got way more than she bargained for if that makes sense. People don't tend to argue with me too long :rotfl:
I'd say whatevs love you try teaching a 6 month manners u stupid old bint hehe

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